humans and reverse engineering
by: akbar ali

the other day, i got to thinking.
we as humans are pretty damn smart.
our mind can calculate what 2+2 is without knowing what the operand or sign '+' does. this will be explained later .

when we enter the world we are not bright.
we touch hot things, we put are hands in sockets, we taste _everything_, we eat carpet, we suck marbles, we taste sand, some of us even taste our own pee- we do just about everything in our toddler / learning our environment stage.

we as humans learn a lot by trial and error. 
we also learn by a method of reverse engineering.

last night, i was looking up in awe of the shadow that was being casted by my fan lamp.
i looked up; and was like, i know where that shadow would cast even if i could not "see" the shadows.

for example, most people don't need a mathematical algorithm telling "your brain" where a shadow is going to fall. you have already "learned" this.
most probably you acquired this knowledge by a process of reverse engineering.
our mind takes the actual data, and finds ways to "reverse" the format. over time our mind has figured out what are the variables that effect the resulting output.

the human brain applies this everywhere.

think about this.
you will just begin to learn how stupid computers _really_ are.
and how damn good we are at reverse engineering.

the human brain is something of awe and beauty.
the more i think about it, i realize that the strongest "weapon/tool" we have is not our weapons, it is not our nuclear facilities, nor our chemical weapons but; it is our brains!

our brains are responsible for the creation of all of these devices.
our brains are also responsible for various cures to certain illness.
our brains are responsible for tons of things, which i am not going to list.

but, if used incorrectly, our brain is a ticking time bomb waiting to explode...
the next time you use your brain, please think about what your _really_ doing.
most researchers don't know what they have unleashed till it's too late.

akbar A.

ps-> if your wondering what is up with all the "headings". my friend andre lamothe recommended that i do that. i am just testing it out on personal /theory articles ;)