screenshots and bugs

various bugs, problems, and other computer "screen" related things.
i don't know why you are looking over here though ;)

i decided to break this page up into smaller chunks, mainly for ease of reading..

March 20, 2000
playing around with some per pixel lighting stuff again :-)

screenshot of my desk, with the stuff running

the normal map on these images is the same one as the decal map, except it's offsetted a little.
no specular component in this screenshot
prety simple planar surface btw.

same geometry and textures as the one above, except this has a specular comp.
specular on this one

well finally, got some better looking geometry/levels/textures now..
totally robust, implementation works on _any_ .obj format and any amount of light sources.
the red point is where the light source is at..
and the framerate is kinda of slow IMHO (for this 1 light), seeing that i did not use VAR or any other fancy performance booster.
i'm guessing i could hit a 100 (i have a geforce1 prophet..) with enough hacking.
there's no glossmap so some stuff which shouldn't be so bright, is getting that bright..
this type of light model is _totally_ dynamic, position, color, brightness, etc, and a bump map is being applied to every surface.

exactly like doom, where each surface contains a specular, diffuse and normal map :D
some of the surfaces in doom do collapse to more passes depending on the surface shader though...

Powered by OpenGL.
don't you just love glPointSize :D
D3D really is a lacking API imho.


feb 22, 2000

well apparently i deciding to post this here. i need some feedback on the shadow.
not sure to put it in a friends game engine or not

what do you think?
the frame rate counter thingy in bottom was inspired by nintendo.
middle is 60 frames per sec, well not a second but still, and max is 120.


precision clamping problems in action.
it's should continue to get brighter, but it clamps off way to early.
for the first time, i can actually blame it on my monitor =)



space waster ;)
gives the page more content.
balances it out...

"Why Hello Clarece..."
Hannibal sucked btw.