Skating time

as you can tell in this image i'm fairly young :)
it was probably around 96 or 97?
jeesh, so much can happen in so little time. well i was always kind of a computer geek ;)
i have the sticker on my shirt, cause i had just come back from a skating competetion :)
yup, those where days.
i used to "aggressive" skate, when people used to think it was just a "fad".
and there where "no skate parks", and we use to take bike racks, and set them off high curves in the grass :)
and grind down those.
i remeber, we used to "make up moves" with "no names". ;)
no days all the moves we used to do have these funky names ;)

if anyone can say that "they have been there", i feel fairly confident that i can say that :-)

btw. it's after a wedding, that's  where there are all those gifts...

i scanned this at a higher res, but it was turning out at 3.8 megs, and i just don't have the bandwidth or
the patience to deal with that..