Toon Renderer
December 14, 2000;

well i finished writing this toon render in about 5 days.
it was a fun learning experience.
use intels' shading technique.

uses multitexturing, could have added a specular pass as well.
haven't seen cartoons in a while but i dont' remember specular shines on them?

red primitive is a lightsource. could have been blue, green or whatever i wanted..
the test.tga is the lookup for the shading value.

btw, this is my first legit d3d demo i wrote.
not bad eh ;)



i'm back from my trip/holiday and on the flat shading texture i noticed that there is a pixel with a gradient change in it ;-)
you have to play with the lightsource a little while till you can get it so that pixel line is visible.


here is another one with a diffrent texture, and it's using the motion code pass
textures make a big diffrence ;)

