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THANK YOU to all the people who gave us these lovely awards!

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Awarded on Awarded by Award
11 March 2000 I'll Never Forget Site of the Week
29 March 2000 Passion of the Angel Angel's Passion Award
11 April 2000 Bewitching Buffy Superstar Buffy Site Award
11 April 2000 Buffy Game The Chosen One Buffy-Game Gold Award
11 April 2000 BtVS Studio Studio Stamp of Approval
12 April 2000 Strictly Buffy A Beacon of Light
15 April 2000 The Slayer Chronicles Immortal Claddagh Ring
16 April 2000 Heart and Soul Touched Award
18 April 2000 Soulmates Eternal Fanfiction Archive Soulmates Eternal Loves This Site
20 April 2000 The Slayer Sphere Gaze Award
22 April 2000 Sunnyhell Farm Silver Claddagh Award
25 April 2000 The Slayer and her Angel Claddagh Award for a Superior Site
28 April 2000 The Slayer and her Angel Featured Site
1 May 2000 Passion of the Angel Destiny Award
1 May 2000 Buffy Game Keeping the Romance Alive
3 May 2000 Bewitching Buffy Site of the Month
4 May 2000 I'll Never Forget Glimmers
11 May 2000 Slayer Girl The Gold Slayer Girl
11 May 2000 David's Angels The *WOW* Award
16 May 2000 Forever, That's the Whole Point Site of the Month
23 May 2000 The Slayer Domain Absoloutely Beautiful
25 May 2000 Helpless Dreams The Gold Claddagh Ring Award
28 May 2000 Buffy's Malaysian Lair Visually Stunning
28 May 2000 Buffy's Malaysian Lair True Love Award
1 June 2000 Sites Worth a Bite Battle Site worth a Bite
1 June 2000 Much Ado about BtVS Star Crossed Lovers Award
21 June 2000 FOS Site of the Week Site of the Week
16 July 2000 Buffy Web Awards Best Shipper Site for June 2000
20 July 2000 Ivy's Place The Claddaugh Ring Award
12 August 2000 1st Annual Angel Awards The Eternal Love Award
28 September 2000 Close My Eyes Immortal Love Award

*****Legally Required Disclaimer:*****
This web site, its operators and any content on this site relating to Buffy the Vampire Slayer™ or Angel™ are not authorized by Fox, the WB, or any other officials associated with the above programmes. This is a non-profit website created soley for the amusement of its operators and fellow fans. Please, please don't sue!