A= BURO ARTISTICO Y CULTURAL DE 7 “PALMERAS” D.1.\ “MODA’LIDAD: MUSICA/CANTO/DANZA/TEATRO/BAILE AND IDEOLOGICAL ETHNOLOGY ROOTS UNITEDs BY THE 5 CONTINENTES. LAS 7 PALMERAS DE UNO ES LA 3ERA INSTANCIA/FLASH DE LA OBRAMAURY. 3-Your third instance consists of a body composed of ten numbers(mailboxes), selected, not random, of the Strategic Network and Communication, and each one of these represents a physical person within the Intelligence Network designed by the workshops logistical clappers. These ten numbers throughout a process graph were designed and converted in spellings(faces) and they were named one of seven Palms, political bureau, artistic, cultural and autonomous action of Amaurysmo and that works as Collegiate Court or arbitrators and is responsible for debug and verify all the lines emanating from all levels of the Of the obramaury. Through this agency we teach that only by acting on the basis of the common good and of the collective interest, we can effectively comply with the principles of the Obramaury.The obrAmaury owes Seven Palms of one its full support and respect for their effort to serve as a physical environment and independent to be determined by the Justice with which act who decide to continue our journey. ON MOUSE OVER IN THE IMAGENINDEX/INDICE 1-. BUZON#037-89-POSTE DE CORRIENTE 12 DE ENERO#251-COLOR:AMARILLO-(LYCRAS/TRANSPARENCIAS)-FECHA CRONOLOGICA:08-09-1989-FECHA DESIGNACION:11-01-1989-(*)-#(4/4)-(4)-066-89-014-89-CANCION#066-89-014-89-EDICION ESTRELLA MUNDO D: ENERO SIEMBRA.(MADONNA) 5-. BUZON#0255-90-poste du courant 12 NERO#465-couleur:ARCO IRIS-(transparents)-date CHRONOLOGIQUE :10-06-1990-date DESIGNATION:05-09-1989-#(40)/(40/32)-0282-90-0229-90-MORCEAU#0282-90-0229-90-( Îles Samoa )-(LIDIA ARIZA) 7-.CAIXA POSTAL Nº 0452-91-POST ATUAL 12 ENERO Nº Portaria n. º 664-color:NEGRO- (transparências) -ORDEM CRONOLÓGICA DATA:11-02-1991-DATA DESIGNAÇÃO:1-04-1990-9 - Nº (11/82)/-0481-91-0429-91-CANÇÃO Nº 0481-91-0429-91-(CAPACIDAD PARA AMAR)-.EDITION STAR MUNDO D: JANEIRO plantação.(GATO BARBIERI). 8-. Postfachnummer# 0192-90-AKTUELLE POST 12 NERO# 404-Farbe:MORADO-(Folien) - chronologisch Datum:Zum 06-04-1990--DATUM BEZEICHNUNG:06-07-1989-#(18) / (18/10)-0221-90-0168-90-Song Nr. 0221-90 -0168-( CHIPRE)-.EDITION STAR MUN2 d: Januar anpflanzen.-(REVISTA ROLLING STONE). 10-. MAILBOX# 0201-90-CURRENT POST 12 NERO#413-colo:rBLUE:-(transparencies) -CHRONOLOGICAL DATE:16-04 -1990-DATE DESIGNATION:15-07-1989-#(27)/(27/19)-0230-90 -0177-90-SONG# 0230-90 -0177-90-( RUMANIA )-. EDITION STAR MUN2 D: JANUARY planting.(REVISTA BILLBOARD). 15-.EN REPUBLICA DOMINICA/ARCO IRIS-ISLA DE TRANSITO):TALLERES LOGISTICOS “PALMEROS” (CONTINUDORES DE LA REVOILUCION DEL AMOR Y/O FRAGANCIA ARTISTICA,TEXTURA TAINA,TROPICO INDIGENISTA,COMUNICACIÓN ,MANDO Y PODER CULTURAL EN TO2 EL MUN2-FECHA:14/03/1954-2012-(58)-(X)-.(13). |