Pokemon gold and silver are comming soon to the U.S.
But it is alredy out in Jap. I have played both games and most roumers are true. Yes their are 255 pokemon and ther is a night and day. Some pokemon can only be found at night and some at day. You get to choose frome three new pokemon at the beging. Their are also new gym leders and badges. One is the Wing badge. You also have a new rival. Prof. Oak is still their, pluse a new Prof.(dont know his name) The Jap. version was lots of fun. You still have to fight the Elit four. You don't get to choose male or femail at the beginning like some sites say. There are mand fpokemon thoght. More news coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
E-MAIL ME AND I WILL TRY TO FIND GOLD AND SILVER FOR YOU! (were "waht is your name" put "Gold") (were "were are you from put waht you want like if you want pokemon Gold put Gold or you can put Silver or both.