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AGE:About 18-20 years old

Iria is an apprentice bounty hunter under her older brother Gren. She idolizes him and is always trying to prove to him the she is capable of handeling the job herself. She is very stubborn in nature but has a weak spot of never leaving people in need (much like her brother)and can be very kind.


AGE:About 24 or 25

Iria's older brother. He seems very leeniant (did I spell that right?) with Iria and allows her to go out on certain jobs alone, although she isn't supposed to. He can be extremly stubborn (Bob says that many times) and unyielding. Very kind at heart, he can refuse to leave people in need and has taken various jobs, even if her is not paid.


AGE:Early to late 30's

He is Gren's boss and friend. And becomes Iria's patner later in the story. He dies on the Karma, but his brain is stored inside a computer which Iria later takes and Bob becomes her mentor, and friend.


AGE:11 or 12?

A street smart kid who ends up becoming Iria's sidekick. She lives in the Shadow Zone on the planet Towajan. Later on in the story she is the one who devises a secret weapon that helps Iria destory Zeriam.


AGE:11 or 12?

Kei's friend and the leader of their little brat pack. He is funny to watch and is smart for his age. He ends up dying though, to help save Iria.



The soul survivor of the origial Zeraim research team, he is a skeptical scientist who helps Iria out more than a few times. He may seem like a "crochity old bag" but he's not that bad.


AGE:Late 20's ?

Another one who is fun to watch, he offers some of the stories comedy. At sort of mean and selfish person, he is constantly annoying Iria and telling her she is trouble. He can be mean but deep down likes Iria and doesn't want to see her get hurt.