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Fun Little Trivia Quiz

Note: This is just a little quiz to make sure you were paying attention! Good luck and NO CHEATING!!!

Multiple choice

1. At the event horizon of a black hole, the escape velocity is equal to:
A. The speed of light
B. Mach 13
C. The speed of sound
D. As fast as you can swim

2. Which of the following anomalies indicates a black hole?
A. Leaping light
B. Red moving objects
C. Wobbling Star
D. Trailing gassy clouds

3. Until the name "black hole" became popular, what were black holes referred to as?
A. Frozen stars
B. Dark galaxies
C. ASR's (Anomalous Spacetime Readings)
D. the place where your socks go when you lose them

4. What discovery was made about black holes in 1997?
A. Scientists found a mid-sized black hole
B. A black hole that spews out water
C. Proof that there is a black hole in the milky way
D. First evidence of frame dragging was reported

5. What is the most common type of black hole?
A. Charged
B. Static
C. Rotating
D. Wormhole

6. What is the main characteristic of a Reissner-Nordestrom Black hole?
A. It has two event horizons
B. It has no charge
C. It is in constant motion
D. It remains stationary

Artist's rendition of a binary system with a black hole feeding off of the atmosphere of its partner star.

Short Answer

1. What type of Black Holes would a wormhole be made of? ______________

2. Theoretically, a white hole continuously admits _________ and ________.

3. Black holes are ______ that have collapsed to form a tiny ball of mass.

4. What type of field causes the "twin jet" effect in a rotating black hole? ___________

5. What nickname was given to the mid-sized black hole called that was discovered last year? ____________

6. Which two students in your Physics 20 class are the smartest, most adorable, and the hardest working of all the other students you have ever had? __________________ (this one better be easy for you Mr. Algar)

Check your answers!
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