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   The X-Files Timeline

The truth is out There, but all the lies lead us to the truth


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Pilot Episode-1994

March 7, 1992

Pilot Episode. After two years with the FBI, Dana Scully is assigned to the X-Files. Mulder initially distrusts Scully, believing she has been assigned to debunk his work. At face value, her assignment is to bring a rigorous scientific perspective to them. In fact, Scully has been assigned to debunk the X-Files by the international conspiracy that feels Mulder's work is dangerous to them.
Cancer Man attends the meeting in which Scully is assigned, but does not speak. He also uses electronic listening devices to listen in on Mulder and Scully's first meeting. (Musings...)
Mulder tells Scully that he has read her Senior thesis, and liked it. (Pilot)
She apparently sent it to him as a partial introduction, given that it dealt with MJ-12. (Musings...)
On their first case, case in Oregon, they discover a body that appears to not be human. Inside the nose of the body is a fragment of metal they cannot identify.
They also have an episode of lost time. As they drive down a rural highway their car loses power, they experience a bright flash of light, and clocks are nine minutes later than they had been.
Episode concludes March 22.
??? 1992
Deep Throat. Deep Throat first approaches Mulder in the restroom of a lounge in Washington DC, where Mulder had met Scully, warning Mulder to leave a case of a missing USAF pilot alone. Mulder infiltrates Ellens Air Force Base in southwest Idaho. Deep Throat tells him that aliens have "been here for a long, long time." Mulder suspects that the military is testing aircraft based on UFO technology at Ellens AFB.
We see a picture of a triangular "UFO," photographed in the Ellens area. Is this the UFO recovered in West Virginia on December 24, 1991? If not, it is certainly based in part on that UFO. It also appears to have a shape similar to the Pacific Ocean Foo Fighter, salvaged in 1995.
It is demonstrated that the Conspiracy has the capability to selectively erase human memory.
Circa June 1992
Fox Mulder's former partner, Special Agent Jerry Lamana loses an important piece of evidence during a hate crime investigation in Atlanta. Before he recovers the evidence, a judge is seriously injured. Lamana is put on six months probation, and required to file reports as if he were a beginner.(Ghost in the Machine)
Billy Labonge and Cissy Alvarez serve time together in prison in California. Labonge is sentenced for pick pocketing, which he claims was "performance art," since he is interested in magic. Alvarez' body is covered with tatoos. (The Amazing Maleeni)
August 9, 1992
A Lakeland, Florida, church deacon, Mr. Resnick, believes there is an evil presence among his paritioners. He brings a gun to the church service and fires on church-goers. He tells police that the evil presence is "hiding in the light." Greg Pinkas has family living in the Lakeland area. (Folie a Duex)
October, 1992
In 1997, Scully mentions that her last date was to see Glengarry Glen Ross, released October 2, 1992, and that the characters in the movie had a better time than she did. She apparently forgot about her date seen in Jersey Devil, in August 1993.(Never Again)
October 12, 1992
NASA begins a high resolution microwave survey of the sky, looking for signs of intelligent life in space. A year later, the project will be canceled by Congress.(Little Green Men)
November 1992
A team of geophysicists begins a project to drill deep into the arctic ice at Icy Cape, Alaska.(Ice)
Late 1992
Jack Willis begins trailing a pair of bank robbers who commit repeated crimes, killing seven people. He becomes consumed with catching the criminals.(Lazarus)
Circa 1993
Scully signs a living will, that Mulder witnesses.(One Breath)
Mulder begins a series of contacts with a forensic anthropologist at the Smithsonian Institution named Arlinsky who, a few years earlier, was implicated in a UFO photo enhancement scandal. (Gethsemane)
In 1998, Mulder says he bought his "I Want to Believe" poster "about five years ago" in a head shop on Washington DC's M Street. He probably actually bought it earlier than that, because we have seen it from the beginning of the series.(Chinga)
The Falls at Arcadia planned community, near San Diego, is named the number one planned community in California, a distinction it will receive each year until at least 1999. The honor is the result of radical efforts taken by the original home owners, conjuring up a Talpa, a Tibetan folk monster, to enforce the homeowner's rules. They are surprised, however, when the Talpa begins killing violators of the rules, and they cannot control it.
January 1993
Mulder takes some vacation leave. In January 1997, he comments that he has not taken any vacation for four years.(Never Again)
February 1993
A male "Jersey Devil" dies, leaving his mate alone. She begins scavenging for food on the outskirts of Atlantic City.
May 2, 1993
Lula Phillips is released from the Maryland Women's Corectional Facility where she has been serving a ten year sentence for manslaughter. She moves in with guard Warren Dupre, with whom she had an affair in prison. He considers himself to be very lucky to be in lover with her. She seduces him into a life of crime. A week after her release, they committed their first robbery at Anapolis Savings and loan. A 65 year old female teller is pistol whipped and killed. Over the next several months they kill seven people during robberies. FBI agent Jack Willis, of the Washington DC Violent Crimes unit, is assigned to the case and begins trailing the robbers. Dupre and Lula are married in Atlantic City during May.(Lazarus)
July 23, 1993
Squeeze. Tooms begins a new series of murders. Agent Tom Colton, an FBI Academy classmate of Scully, calls in the X-Files team. Tooms is captured by Mulder and Scully, after consulting retired law officer Frank Briggs. He is institutionalized in a psychiatric hospital. (Date taken from computer display of Tooms' finger prints.)
After Tooms steals Scully's necklace and locket, she begins wearing a necklace her mother gave her when she was a teenager. (The necklace appears in many succeeding episodes.)
August 9, 1993
The Jersey Devil. An Atlantic City homeless man, Roger Crocket, is found dead in the woods a mile from town, apparently partially eaten by a human. (Date from toe tag.)
Mulder discovers an animal-woman scavenging on the outskirts of town, and consults one of Scully's former professors, at the University of Maryland. The woman is killed by police, leaving a feral child behind.
Scully attends a birthday party for her six year old God-son, son of her friend Ellen and decides that kids are not high on her priority list. She indicates she doesn't date much, and bails out early of one she does have in this episode.
Circa August 1993
In a North Carolina prison, serial killer Luther Boggs, convicted based on a criminal profile written by Mulder, is strapped into the gas chamber, but is granted a stay. He claims that the experience puts him in contact with the spirit world.(Beyond the Sea)
August 7, 1993
Ruby Morris disappears from her home in Sioux City, Iowa. Her mother, Darlene, claims she was taken by aliens on a camping trip. (Conduit)
??? 1993
Mulder has an article published in Omni magazine about the alleged Gulf Breeze UFO, under the name M.F. Luder. He concludes that the photos are faked.
August 22, 1993
The Mars Observer spacecraft fails to respond to radio signals. Marcus Auremius Belt may have been involved in sabotage.(Space, and Historical)
August 26, 1993
Conduit. Mulder and Scully visit Lake Okoboji, in northwest Iowa. Mention is made of the "Sioux City County Sheriff," although Sioux City is over an hour drive from Lake Okoboji, in a different county. The article from the tabloid newspaper projected on the screen in Mulder's office incorrectly spells the lake "Okobogee."
Darlene Morris tells them of her experience as a Girl Scout in 1967, and of the abduction of her daughter, Ruby. Her son, Kevin, seems to be receiving binary data from the static on his television, which the NSA operative Holtzman tells Mulder is a classified defense satellite transmission. Scully recognizes a portion of J.S. Bach's Brandenberg Concertos. A biker bartender displays evidence of severe radiation burns on his ear. Ruby is eventually found in a coma, displaying evidence of prolonged weightlessness.
September 22, 1993
Shadows. A recently deceased business executive seems to be protecting a secretary from beyond the grave. (Date taken from ATM picture display.)
October 1993
Congress terminates the NASA High Resolution Microwave survey of the sky, which has been seeking signals from intelligent life in space.
October 24, 1993
Ghost in the Machine. Mulder's former partner in the Violent Crimes division, Jerry Lamana, who is still on FBI probation, is killed in a freefall elevator accident by a self-aware Computer Operating System, COS, in the EURISKO Company building. Brad Wilczek, who created COS, is the foremost artificial intelligence programmer in the western world. Wilczek refuses to share his technology with the government, but the conspiracy takes him captive.
November 1, 1993
At Icy Cape, Alaska, the drilling team passes the record drilling depth, bringing up ice cores a quarter of a million years old. Within a few days, however, all of the team members suffer violent deaths.(Ice)
November 7, 1993
Ice. At Icy Cape, Alaska, all of the members of an ice drilling team kill each other, or themselves, leaving behind the cryptic warning, "we're not who we are." Mulder and Scully join a team heading for the drilling station to investigate. They discover a worm-like organism that infects bodies, driving the hosts insane. The worms came from ice cores that were drilled deep into an ancient meteor crater under the ice. It seems that they came from space a quarter of a million years ago, where they were used to an ammonia environment.

The pilot, named Bear, becomes infected by the bite of a dog they find at the drilling station. The man dies when the worm is extracted from his body. During the night another team member is killed, and it is clear that one of the remaining four team members is also infected. Suspicion centers on Mulder, who found the body. Scully discovers that the larvae of two worms will not coexist in the same human body, proving it with the infected dog. When the real infected team member is identified, the other woman, a second worm is placed in her body, and the worms kill each other. The team is evacuated and Mulder and Scully are pronounced uninfected. Mulder wants to return to the drilling station with a team better equipped for genetic study of the worms, but he is informed that 45 minutes after they were evacuated, the entire complex was burned by the government. As a result of the events of this episode, Mulder and Scully come to realize how much they have come to trust each other.

Note: The worms in this episode may well have been the genesis for the X-Files writers of the concept of the Black Oil.

Mid/Late 1993????
Space. Mulder and Scully investigate the space program after receiving information that someone knew about a sabotaged component. The Space Shuttle Discovery suffers an oxygen leak in orbit, apparently after encountering an unidentified craft in orbit. Astronaut Maruc Aurelius Belt, Shuttle program chief, fears the space program will be killed if the shuttle does not launch its payload. He has apparently been brainwashed by aliens or the Conspiracy. While he is involved in sabotage of the shuttle and the Mars Observer, he also attempts to leak information to allow the sabotage to be discovered.
Belt has a recurring dream in which he remembers being approached by alother craft during a space walk. He remembers a face that is very similar to the alleged face seen from orbit on the surface of Mars. He is also briefly seen to morph uncontrolably so that his face resembles that face. He ends up jumping to his death from an upper floor of a hospital. The Shuttle lands safely, because of information he given to Mulder. (Interpretation of this episode is very difficult. Your author's best guess is that the Conspiracy sent a spacecraft based on alien technology to intercept the shuttle. They may have used hypnosis to make Belt participate in sabotage, and alien DNA therapy to cause him to morph. He could have been an early experiment in morphing. While we did not see his his body after the fall, might it have bled green ooze?)
??? 1993
Fallen Angel. A UFO, first detected by Air Force tracking over Connecticut, crashes near Townsend, in eastern Wisconsin. "Fallen Angel" is identified as the term for a downed UFO, and UFO recovery is identified as "Operation Falcon," commanded by Colonel Calvin Henderson. The public is told a train derailment has released toxic waste. An invisible survivor of the crash kills several people, by severe radiation burns (similar to burns associated with the entity in Piper Maru, et al). Epileptic Max Fenig, of NICAP, a South Dakota native, disappears, apparently taken by a second, larger UFO. Deep Throat blocks an investigative committee from closing the X-Files.
Max is eventually returned, and continues his efforts to learn the truth about his repeated abductions. He sends frequent letters to his sister, describing his efforts in detail.(Tempus Fugit)
??? 1993
Eve. In Greenwich, Connecticut, joggers find Joel Simmons dead. His daughter Tina says she was only away from him for a few minutes, and remembers nothing, but most of his blood is missing. Mulder suspects a phenomenon similar to cattle mutilations. Digitalis was found in his system. Tina's mother died two years earlier, so Tina is taken to the Fairfield County Social Services Hostel. She tells Mulder and Scully that "there was red lightning" and that "men from the clouds" were after her father. That night, Tina's room is broken into and she disappears.
An almost identical case is reported in Marin County, California. Doug Reardon also died from loss of blood, had digitalis in his system, and died at the exact same moment as Joel Simmons. His daughter, Cindy, is identical to Tina, but she was not adopted. The Reardons tried for years to have a baby, and finally succeed with the help of the Luther Stape Center for Reproductive Medicine in San Francisco. The agents learn that the Simmons were also treated there, before moving to Connecticut in 1991. Dr. Sally Kendrick was their doctor -- a resident there in 1985 after graduating first in her class at Yale Medical School. She had previously received a PhD in Biogenetics. She was fired for suspicion of experimenting with eugenics, censured by the AMA and disappeared.
Deep Throat tells Mulder about the Litchfield Experiment, begun in the early 1950s. A group of "geneticly controlled" children was raised in a secure compound. The boys were called Adam and the girls Eve. He directs Mulder to the Whiting Institute for the Criminally Insane, where they meet Eve 6 in a darkened, padded room. She is in restraints because she attacked a guard. She says her IQ is around 265, and she has 56 chromosomes, resulting in heightened strength, intelligence and psychosis. She has pictures of all of the Eve clones as children, and they all look like Tina and Cindy. It is clear Eve 7, as Sally Kendrick, cloned herself.
Cindy is abducted by Eve 7. They arrive at the Point Reyes National Seashore north of San Francisco where Tina is waiting. Eve 7 explains that she escaped and was raised by caring foster parents and that proper upbringing can reduce the psychosis, but Tina and Cindy kill her by putting digitalis in her drink. They raised the foxglove and made the digitalis themselves. They have not been in contact with each other but "just knew" about each other. The motel manager reports the suspicious girls and Mulder and Scully find Tina and Cindy in the motel room with the dead Eve. Driving them back to San Francisco at night, Mulder and Scully stop with the girls at a truckstop and the girls almost escape. They are taken back into custody and end up at the Whiting Institute next to Eve 6 in cells labled Eve 9 and Eve 10. Eve 8 infiltrates the institute. Cindy and Tina say they "just knew" that Eve 8 would be coming. While we do not see it, the implication is that all of the Eves escape.
Fall, 1993
Young at Heart. Mulder and Scully investigate murders that appear to be committed by John Irvin Barnett, who reportedly died in 1989. Mulder's friend from violent crimes, Reggie Purdue, calls them in. He and Mulder have a joke between them, "Reggie, Reggie." Mulder receives a note that appears to be from John Irvin Barnett, who died in 1989. Barnett kills Purdue, as well.
Barnett, the subject of human experiments by Dr. Joseph Ridley, and has become younger. He steals Ridley's research notes and bargains with the Conspiracy. He also threatens Scully. Before a cello recital by Scully's friend, Cathy, at Janie Taylor Memorial Recital Hall, Barnett shoots Scully and Mulder kills Barnett. Scully is protected by her Kevlar vest. Ridley's research notes are lost.
(Kids are playing football in this episode, implying fall.) (William B. Davis is credited in this episode as a CIA agent, but is not recognizable on screen.)
December 5, 1993
Harry Cokley is released from McAlister Penitentiary and takes up residence in Gainsville, Nebraska. He suffers from an extreme respiratory condition, requiring oxygen.(Aubrey)
Fire. Mulder's former British lover, Inspector Phoebe Green, escorts a British Parliament member and his family who take up temporary residence on Cape Cod to avoid a terrorist who burns his victims. The terrorist, using the name Cecil L'Ively, has the power to cause spontaneous combustion. Scully exhibits significant jealousy of Phoebe. Phoebe, while tempting Mulder and playing mind games with him, appears to also be having an affair with the M.P.
December 1993
Lazarus. At Maryland Marine Bank, Dana Scully and her former lover, FBI agent Jack Willis, are undercover, waiting for bank robbers. The robbers, Warren Dupre and Lula Phillips are outside in a car. They kiss, Dupre pledges his love for Lula, and they enter the bank, guns drawn, resulting in a gunbattle. Dupre and Willis are both shot. Lula escapes. At Bethesda Naval Hospital emergency room, Willis' heart is not beating. Scully insists on resuscitation, and after 13 minutes without a heart beat, Willis is brought back to life. Meanwhile on the next bed in the emergency room, Dupre dies. The image of a large tatoo on Dupre's arm appears on Willis' arm.
Two days later Willis wakes up from his coma. He gets out of bed, steals clothes, goes to the Morgue where he cuts the wedding ring off of the hand of Dupre's body, and leaves the hospital. Mulder and Scully investigate the mutilated body and find Willis' fingerprints. Willis had been chasing the robbers for months, and had become obsessed with the hunt. Mulder notes that the ring was cut off the hand by a left-handed person but Willis is right-handed. He says Willis and Dupre went into cardiac arrest at the same time and Mulder wonders which one came back. At the University of Maryland, Professor Vaars tells Mulder and Scully that people often come back from near-death experiences with ESP and heightened zest for life. He tells a story of two people who shared a near-death experience and exchanged memories, and have huge electrical discharges.
Willis goes to where Dupre and Lula have been living, but nobody is there. He goes to the home of Lula's brother, Tommy, in the Desmond Arms Resident Hotel. He accuses Tommy of selling out Dupre and Lula to the FBI, and kills Tommy. Willis appears have Dupre's memories and consciousness. The hotel manager calls police and Mulder and Scully arrive. Willis arrives as they are investigating the crime scene, saying he wasn't himself when he woke up. Mulder finds a fingerprint that is not the victims' and gives it to Willis to take back to headquarters. It disappears and Willis has no explanation. Willis passes physical and psychological tests and is returned to duty. In a secret test by Mulder, Willis does not remember that he and Scully have the same birthday and signs a fake birthday card with his left hand.
A landlord calls Willis -- he thinks he saw Lula. Scully goes along with Willis, expecting backup that Willis never orders. They find Lula and give chase, cornering her in a basement. Lula attacks Scully who overcomes and cuffs Lula but Willis releases Lula and shackles Scully, telling Lula, "Baby, you ain't gonna believe where I've been." This represents the first time on-screen that Scully is taken hostage or abducted. Jack tells the correct story of what Dupre and Lula did after their wedding. Lula is somewhat convinced, but thinks it is "too weird." A law enforcement task force mobilizes to find Scully. Willis/Dupre calls Mulder to taunt him. Willis/Dupre claims he saw Scully trying to save Jack, saw Jack leave and entered Jack's body. Willis/Dupre is drinking soda pop and Scully warns that Jack is diabetic and is beginning to react to too much sugar. A drug store in Catonsville, MD, for NPH insulin and syringes but then Lula stops Scully from administring insulin. It wasn't Tommy who set them up. Lula did, to get rid of Dupre. Willis/Dupre blacks out.
Lula telephones Mulder to demand one million dollars ransom. The call is from Scully's cell phone so it cannot be traced, but background sounds in the call reveal they are near a civilian airport. A task force cavasses the area, pretending to be Bible salesmen. Lula is identified and officers move in. Willis/Dupre revives and grabs Lula's gun. He tells her that there is nothing to be afraid of in death, kills her and dies himself, following hr into death. As this happens, the task force breaks down the door, rescuing Scully. Later, Scully cleans up Jack's deak. Mulder brings her the wristwatch Scully gave Willis in 1990. It stopped at the moment of his cardiac arrest.
Sometime in 1994, at the VinalRight plant in Kansas City, Missouri, a warehouse employee threatens other workers with a gun. He believes that the plant manager, Greg Pinkas, is really a monster. (Folie a Duex)
January 1994
Beyond the Sea. William Scully, US Navy Retired, dies of a massive coronary at about 47 minutes past midnight. Just before her mother informs her of his death, Dana believes she sees her father sitting in her living room. The Bobby Darrin song "Beyond the Sea" is played as his ashes are scattered at sea -- the same song that played when he returned from the Cuban blockade, and that played at William and Margaret's wedding. Other family members are seen at the service in which the ashes are scattered -- presumably the two brothers some sources say Scully has. Scully looks at X-File X-167512, Visionary Encounters with the Dead.
Luther Boggs claims to have psychic information on a serial killer, and asks to talk to Mulder, because he has read Mulder's criminal profile of him. Mulder suspects that Boggs has an outside accomplice who is committing the murders.
Mulder is shot while rescuing one victim, located with information from Boggs. Scully locates the murderer, Lukas Henry, based on information from Boggs, but he dies without revealing whether he was in league with Boggs.
Boggs claims to have a message for Scully from her dead father, but she cannot bring herself to believe in messages from the spirit world, and declines to hear it. (Date estimated from Scully telling her father she is leaving her Christmas decorations up. Mulder holds a criminal profile dated August. My tape is not clear enough to determine the year. Mulder may have been reading his own criminal profile that put Luther Boggs on death row months or years earlier.)
January 1994???
Genderbender. Outside Germantown, Maryland, a man dies after having sex with a woman he picked up in a bar. After his death, the woman transforms into a man. Mulder has been tracking four similar deaths. Each victim was swamped with phemerones containing human DNA -- possibly enough to trigger anaphalactic shock. The first death was near a colony of religious isolationists called the Kindred. They are famous for pottery, and traces of the native clay of that area were found on the latest murder victim. Mulder and Scully travel to Steveston, Massachusetts, to learn more about the Kindred.

In town, Scully talks with Brother Andrew, a male member of the Kindred. When she shakes hands with him she is strongly affected. The agents visit the sect, having to walk the last mile because of the primitive road. The Kindred intercept them along the road, escort them to the farm, and feed then supper. They pray "for the day of the coming, the moment of our release." The Kindred tell the agents little of importance. An older man at the table chokes to death, and nobody helps him. Many of the faces of the Kindred are the same as on photographs taken in the 1930s. Scully says they have probably been inbreeding, but Mulder thinks there may be something stranger going on.

Mulder and Scully sneak back to the Kindred farm after dark and witness a strange ritual in which the man who died is covered with clay in an underground tunnel. The man appears to return to life. Mulder is almost caught in the tunnel by the Kindred, but escapes. Meanwhile Scully meets Brother Andrew. He tells her that the killer is Brother Martin, his best friend, who has left the farm. Andrew knows that Martin poisons the victims with phemerones. Her judgement is overwhelmed by the phemerones Andrew emits and Mulder narrowly saves her from having sex with Brother Andrew.

Meanwhile, the killer kills again, and as a women selects yet another victim. A police officer interupts, however, saving the man's life. The murder quickly transforms into a man and punches out the cop. Mulder and Scully track Martin to a hotel and find another victim. They capture Martin, but the Kindred intercept them in a back alley near the hotel and take Martin away. As soon as they round a corner they disappear. Back at the Kindred farm, Mulder and Scully find the property abandoned, the tunnels filled in and nothing but a large crop circle in one of the fields.

(The implication is that the Kindred are aliens, and leave on an alien spacecraft. In one scene, the female version of Martin says that the Kindred are different from humans and that he/she will be punished by the Kindred, but that the date of their departure is approaching and that they will not leave Martin behind. There is no firm date given in this episode. It is after Beyond the Sea, which was set after Christmas, and was first broadcast January 21, 1994.)

Spring 1994
E.B.E. An Iraqi jet shoots down a UFO. The Fallen Angel team recovers the wreckage, and ships it cross country by semi truck. Near Reagan, Tennessee, the driver sights a UFO, and Mulder and Scully are called in to investigate.
We meet the staff of Lone Gunman, Frohike, Langly and Byers. They publish "The Magic Bullet Newsletter," working in an office in a warehouse, and tell Mulder and Scully about a dark network behind the government. Scully discovers an electronic eavesdropping device.
Deep Throat lies to Mulder to steer him away from actually finding the UFO. In spite of this, Mulder and Scully locate a secret installation near Mattawa, Washington, where the Extraterrestrial Biological Entity from the crashed UFO was taken. Deep Throat tells Mulder the E.B.E has died (been killed).
Deep Throat tells Mulder that after the Roswell incident in 1947, an ultra secret conference of many nations agreed that should any EBE survive a crash, the nation recovering the EBE would have the responsibility of killing it. Deep Throat claims to have been one of the three men to have exterminated an alien, with the CIA in Vietnam. He says the death of that innocent alien haunts him and that is why he sought out Mulder, so that some day, through him, the truth may be known. Mulder, though, is not sure he believes Deep Throat's story. (Deep Throat mentions that pitchers and catchers report for spring training this week.)
March 7, 1994
Miracle Man. A teenage faith healer and mysterious deaths. Mulder relives the disappearance of his sister.
??? 1994
Shapes. After several cattle are killed on Two Medicine Ranch, near Browning Montana, Joseph Goodensnake is killed by rancher Jim Parker and his wounded son Lyle, who think they are shooting a wolf. Scully and Mulder visit the Trego Indian Reservation in Northwest Montana to investigate, because it appears to be a recurrence of unexplained murders that are the subject of the very first X-File. Jim Parker is later killed, as if by a large animal. His son, Lyle, wounded in the earlier attack, transforms into a werewolf but is shot by the local deputy. The Trego elder called Ish predicts more killings in "about eight years."
??? 1994
Darkness Falls. A crew of 30 loggers, working a clear cut contract for Ship Evercut Lumber at a remote site report by radio that two Monkey-wrenchers, or eco-terrorists, have been conducting sabotage in the area. A week later, all radio contact with the crew is cut off.
Scully and Mulder discover that the loggers have accidentally released a swarm of insects, sealed inside a 500 year old tree. The insects are kept from swarming by light. The FBI agents, trapped by the insects in a jeep at night, are cocooned, but survive because a biocontainment team arrives. They are treated in a high containment facility in Winthrup, Washington. The government begins a program to eradicate the insects.
Mulder believes that the insects were mutated by the radiation released by a volcanic eruption. The insects, however, are covered by, or take the form of a film of what appears to be diesel oil, similar to the entity that emerged from a Foo Fighter in 1945.
March 1994
Tooms. Eugene Victor Tooms is released from sanitarium custody. Retired law officer Frank Briggs helps Scully look for the remains of a 1933 victim that Briggs believes can implicate Tooms while Mulder tails Tooms to keep him from killing. Tooms sets Mulder up with an accusation that Mulder beat him.
Mulder and Scully trace Tooms to 66 Exeter Street, where he has hibernated for decades. Now an apartment store, Tooms attacks Mulder, who kills him by catching him in the mechanism of an escalator. Skinner asks Cancer Man if he believes Mulder's report about Tooms, and the reply is "of course I do." (Could Tooms have been an early alien crossbreed?)
Scully claims a 75% resolution rate for X- Files cases, but Assistant Director Skinner reprimands her for using unconventional techniques of investigation.
March 27, 1994
Born Again. A dead cop appears to live again in the body of a young girl. Episode ends April 19.
April 1994
Robert Patrick Modell is diagnosed with a brain tumor. At about the same time he begins to be able to force his will on other people. A believer in Ninja philosophy, he declines to have the tumor treated. About this time, his fraternal twin, Linda, also develops a tumor and "Pusher" powers. They are not aware of each other, because they were separated in infancy.(Pusher & Kitsunegari)
April 25, 1994
Roland. At the Mahan Propulsion Laboratory, Washington Institute of Technology, Colson, Washington, a scientist dies in a wind tunnel accident, causing Scully and Mulder to be called in. The laboratory is working on the Icarus Project, an effort to greatly increase jet engine. Custodian Roland Fuller is autistic.
Mulder suspects that Dr. Arthur Grable, reported dead months earlier, is controlling Roland. In fact, Grable's head has been frozen in hopes of someday being revived. He appears to be continuing his work through his twin.
Scully mentions having an older and a younger brother.
(Date taken from computer directory display.)
May 8, 1994
The Erlenmeyer Flask. After a 60 mile high speed car chase, a man disappears in a harbor at Ardis, Maryland, after being shot, and bleeding blue-green blood. Dr. Terrance Berube, owner of the stolen car, is a researcher in the Human Genome Project, and is killed by a "man in black." Phone records leads Mulder to Zeus Storage, at 1616 Pandora Street, where he finds what appears to be human clones growing in vats of liquid. When he returns, however, the vats have been removed, by forces other than those of Deep Throat.
Deep Throat says while alien DNA samples have been available since 1947, only recently has the technology existed to manipulate it, run from Los Alamos.
He says Zeus Storage is where the first DNA transplant was made, and the first human/alien hybrid created, with six terminally ill human subjects volunteering. Dr. William Sakar recovers as the result of ET gene therapy, developing inhuman strength and the ability to breath under water. Deep Throat says Sakar fled an effort to kill him, because the conspiracy does not want crossbreeds living among society, ending up in the car chase.
Sakar survives under water for three days, severely wounded. Mulder locates him, but Sakar is killed, and his body releases toxic fumes. Mulder is captured by the murderer, the Man in Black who killed Berube. Deep Throat offers exchange of Mulder for the original alien tissue, stored at Fort Marlene, Maryland. Scully obtains what appears to be an alien fetus, and exchanges it for Mulder, but Deep Throat is killed during the exchange. His final words are "Trust no one."
The term "Purity Control" is first used, on the label of a flask of fluid in Berube's lab, that contains a bacteria. Each Bacteria contains a virus and cloned chloroplasts, constituting alien DNA, because it contains two nucleotides not found among the four in human DNA. "Purity Control" is also the name used at Fort Marlene for the project password, and the storage container for the alien body.
The allegiance of the Man in Black is confusing. The Conspiracy would have access to the alien tissue from Fort Marlene. This would suggest that the Man in Black was not a Conspiracy operative. On the other hand, the alien fetus taken by the Man in Black ended up in the hands of the Cancer Man, who is part of the Conspiracy.
Note: In this episode, Mulder watches channel 8, WDF, apparently a local Washington DC station.
May 21, 1994
13 days after Deep Throat is killed, Mulder is informed by Skinner that the X-Files project is being closed, on orders from the top of the executive branch. Scully is assigned as an instructor at the FBI Academy. Mulder is assigned various "garbage" cases.
The Cancer Man ends up in possession of the alien fetus, which he places in storage in a vault in the Pentagon. (The Erlenmeyer Flask)
June, 1994
Alice O'Connor dies of a snake bite, received during a fundamentalist religious ceremony conducted by her husband, Enod O'Connor, in his rural Blessing, Tennessee, "Church of God with Signs and Wonders." (Signs and Wonders)
July 7, 1994
Little Green Men. Based on information from Senator Matheson, Mulder goes to Puerto Rico to attempt to obtain data intercepted from space by the Arecibo Observatory, failing to report for FBI duty as a result. The Cigarette Smoking Man directs FBI Assistant Director Skinner to watch Scully, because she will lead them to Mulder. At an abandoned facility associated with the Arecibo radio-telescope, Mulder finds evidence of a signal from space, and believes he has a visitation from an extraterresterial that looks just like one he saw when his sister was abducted. Scully eludes the agents following her and finds Mulder unconscious at the facility. Scully and Mulder barely avoid a Green Beret UFO recovery team by some heavy-duty off-road driving by Mulder in a Chevy Blazer. Skinner reprimands Mulder, and sends him back to his stakeout duty. A tape containing the signals from space, which Mulder brought back with him, is blank. (Date from airline passenger manifest for Mulder's flight to Puerto Rico, using the name "George Hale," a reference to the famous astronomer. As is so often true, this episode leaves us with the question "what really happened?" The Conspiracy has demonstrated that it can change memories. Did Mulder really see anything? Did he ever really have evidence, or were his memories changed while he was unconscious?)
July 1994??
The Host. A liver fluke, mutated by radiation from Chernobyl, becomes the size of a man and runs amok, or oozes amok, killing people. Mulder ends up cutting it in half in the sewers, but half escapes to sea, and grows back.
July 1994
Blood. Electronic devices in Franklin, PA, cause psychotic reactions among users, similar to the way television signals are used in 1996 in Wetwired. (Mulder mentions the O.J. Simpson car chase.)
??? 1994
Sleepless. Augustus Cole escapes the VA Hospital, and begins killing he other surviving members of the squad that had sleep banishment surgery performed on them in 1970. Alex Krycek is assigned to work with Mulder. Krycek, however, is actually a subordinate of the Cancer Man.
A man who comes to be known as X approaches Mulder to tell him about the experiment to end the need for sleep in 1970. X indicates he knew Deep Throat, and does not want to die as he did.
Mulder discovers that Cole has the ability to cause others to experience hallucinations. Krycek kills Cole. The reports on the surgery provided by X are stolen, leaving no evidence. (There is a reference in Sleepless to a stock market closing figure that *might* be used to identify a more precise date.)
August 7, 1994
Duane Barry. After a lengthy hostage drama, Dana Scully is kidnapped from her apartment by Duane Barry. He believes that if he offers a replacement abductee, he can escape further abductions.(Date given on-screen in the swimming pool scenes.) This represents the second time on-screen that Scully is abducted or held hostage.
Ascension. Scully is taken captive, kidnapped by aliens or the governmental conspiracy. Skinner reopens the X-Files. Krycek disappears, after sabotaging Mulder's effort on a tramway to save Scully, and killing Duane Barry. Note that Krycek stops the tram to keep Mulder from getting to the summit, notifies his superiors that Mulder has been stopped, and then turns the tram back on, allowing Mulder to get to the summit.
Mulder recovers Scully's gold cross necklace from the trunk of her car, where Duane Barry had confined her. Margaret Scully tells Mulder to keep the necklace, until he finds her daughter.
Skinner reopens the X-Files. (It is unclear how many days pass during the course of these two episodes. In order for the statement in Emily to fit, that Scully was missing for four weeks, it is hard to explain the dates given in the episodes of August to November.)
August 1994
3. Mulder meets some vampires in California, as well as their human associate Kristen Kilar. In this episode, Mulder is actually wearing Scully's necklace. (In this episode, Mulder reenters his X-Files office, apparently for the first time in weeks. He turns a girlie calendar in his office from May to November, pausing at August. Because Duane Barry is clearly dated as August, Mulder must have just liked the November picture.)
Mid to late 1994
Melissa Scully "takes off" and travels up and down the west coast. Her family does not hear from her for long periods of time. In Christmas Carol Dana speculates that this may have been to hide a pregnancy.
November 2, 1994
"Emily" is born, according to state records. She is soon adopted by Marshall and Roberta Sim, and named Emily Christine Sim.(Christmas Carol)
One Breath. Dana Scully appears at a hospital, in a coma. Scully's blood is found to contain protein chains that contain branched DNA that could be a biological marker, but it is inactive.
X tells Mulder that he used to be where Mulder is now, an apparent reference to pursuing the conspiracy. Now, of course, he has become an operative of the conspiracy.
In a coma, Scully is seen as adrift in a rowboat, until her father speaks to her from beyond the grave. He tells her he loves her and they will soon be together again. Nurse Owens, who is unknown to and unseen by hospital staff, watches over Scully in the intensive care ward.
Cancer Man's address is given as 900 W. Georgia Street, and Mulder locates him at home. He tells Mulder he has watched Presidents die, and that Scully was returned because he likes both Scully and Mulder. He is in the game because he believes what he is doing is right. "If people were to know the things that I know, it would all fall apart." (This address is not the address given in Musings as the long-time address of Cancer Man. On the other hand, that may be a blind mail drop and not his actual residence.)
Mulder passes up a chance to solve the conspiracy in order to be with the unconscious Scully. Scully wakes up, and Mulder returns her necklace to her. (In Emily, Mulder says Scully was missing for four weeks. This cannot be resolved with Duane Barry being clearly set in August, and other details showing Scully's return to be in November.)
November 11, 1994
Firewalker. At Mount Avalon, in the cascade range, a California Institute of Technology volcano research team, lead by Dr. Daniel Trepkos, operating a robot capable of descending into active volcanoes, releases a silicon-based organism that lives deep inside the Earth. The spores of the organism infect several of the team members, who Trepkos kills to prevent its spread. Scully and Mulder barely escape contamination. Concludes November 13, with Mulder and Scully in quarantine for 30 days. (Date taken from Mulder's final narration.)
November 14, 1994
Irresistible. Mulder and Scully visit Minneapolis to investigating a series of desecrated human bodies, contacted by Agent Bocks of the Minneapolis FBI field office, who is a UFO buff. Scully is disturbed by the crimes, and consults her employee assistance program. Later, Scully is taken captive for the third time in her career, by Donald Pfaster, who has a death fetish, and who repeatedly calls her "girlie girl." While captive, she imagines seeing her captor morph from appearance to appearance. Scully visits a social worker in the FBI Employee Assistance Program. the actress returns later in the season, playing the same role in The Calusari. (Date given by Scully during autopsy represents a continuity error with respect to Firewalker.)
Red Museum. In Delta Glen in eastern Wisconsin, local doctor, Dr. Larson, has been injecting the teenagers and cattle with alien DNA and keeping records of the children by the numbers on credit cards registered to family members. (This is apparently similar to the project Deep Throat mentioned in The Erlenmeyer Flask about school children in a southern state injected with alien DNA in 1987.) The man who killed Deep Throat is in the area, covering their tracks.

A local cult of vegetarians called The Church of the Red Museum (which believes they are 18 years away from the New Kingdom) helps Mulder protect the children and may have served as a control group for the experiment. There is a confrontation with the killer in a meat packing plant. He is killed, and he cannot be traced. While not mentioned verbally, many of the children who had received alien DNA look very similar to each other. The FBI leaves the case open and unsolved. (Note that eastern Wisconsin is also where Fallen Angel took place.)

Fall 1994
The FBI concludes a seven-year study and finds that there is little evidence to support claims of devil worship influencing American children.
November 1994
Excelsis Dei. In Worchester, Mass., an aid in a nursing home gives oriental medicines based on mushrooms to Alzheimer's disease victims, improving their mental functions, but creating unpredictable mental side effects, including seeing ghosts and out of body experiences. (There are still leaves on the ground in outdoor scenes, indicating a late autumn date.)
Aubrey. The body of FBI special agent Sam Chaney, missing since 1942, is found, buried in a field at Aubrey, Missouri. A few days later, the body of Tim Ledbetter is found buried in the basement of a house. B.J. Morrow, who is pregnant, appears to have inherited Harry Cokley's psychosis, and attempts to kill her grandmother. She then kills Cokley and is arrested by Mulder and Scully, and placed in the Shamrock Women's Prison psyche ward, leaving the possibility that the psychosis could be passed on to her son. (Aubrey)
December 13, 1994
Mulder gets his driver's license renewed. His license number is 123-32-132?. (Small Potatoes)

Lots ans lots of thanx to X-Files Timeline