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   The X-Files Timeline

The truth is out There, but all the lies lead us to the truth


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A right wing militia organization known as The Right Hand and lead by Denny Markham, organizes a POW rescue mission to Vietnam and rescues Sergeant Nathaniel J. Teager. Several other prisoners, however, are left behind. Teager is brought back to the United States in a cargo plane. In order to preserve the secret of POWs still in Vietnam, government commandos board the plane in San Diego. Teager, however, disappears. Mulder later concludes that Teager has learned how to cause himself to be invisible to people, similar to how Viet Cong soldiers sometimes seemed to appear and disappear. This would also be similar to the radio drama series The Shadow, in which the hero had learned in the orient how to "cloud men's minds" and seem invisible. (Unrequited)
Some time in 1995, June Gerwich moves out of the house she had shared with Bo Merkle in Mississippi.
January 16, 1995
Die Hand Die Verleitz. The school board in Milford Haven, New Hampshire is run by inept devil worshipers who are taken to task by the devil for neglecting their faith. The substitute teacher, Mrs. Phyllis N. Paddock, appears to be a tool of the devil. Teenager Shannon Ullsbury claims to have repressed memories of being forced to participate in satanic rituals. She dies when Mrs. Paddock uses a spell on her. Shannon's step- father, Jim Ullsbury, died mysteriously after confessing to Mulder. The remaining school board members die in a murder-suicide, and Mrs. Paddock disappears, leaving the message "Good bye. It's been nice working with you" on the chalkboard. (Date taken from check-out date of book from Library, presumably the day of the murder.)
??? 1995
Fresh Bones. A Marine Colonel practices voodoo in Folkstone, North Carolina, at a processing center for Haitian refugees.
February 1, 1995
Colony.A ship in the Arctic sees what appears to be a UFO crash under the ice. A group of physicians around the country is killed by the pilot of the UFO, who is called the Bounty Hunter.

It is discovered that the physicians have identical appearances and no bodies were recovered. Mulder and Scully locate yet another identical physician and believe him to be the next victim. Agent Weiss is sent to guard the doctor in Syracuse and he discovers the Bounty Hunter already at the scene, having killed the doctor. Weiss opens fire, but the Bounty Hunter is not harmed. When Mulder and Scully arrive in Syracuse, Weiss tells them he could not locate the doctor. Unknown to them, Weiss is dead and the Bounty Hunter can morph his body and was masquerading as the Weiss. Only later do they learn that Weiss is dead.

Mulder and Scully are contacted by Ambrose Chapel, apparently a CIA agent, who claims that the clones are Soviet agents, developed during the cold war. They were planted to sabotage the immune system of US citizens, should war break out. He claims that the clones are being eliminated as part of a secret agreement. Meanwhile, Mulder's father summons him to the family home on Martha's Vinyard. A woman claiming to be Samantha Mulder is there. She claims that after being abducted, she was raised by aliens and caused to forget her family. She wants Mulder's help to save her adoptive family from the Bounty Hunter.

Scully locates even more clones and has them placed in protective custody. Mulder finds Scully in her motel room, but as they speak, Mulder calls on the phone. One or the other is the bounty Hunter posing as Mulder. To be continued.

February 3, 1995
End Game. In the Artic Ocean, a submarine is investigating the alleged UFO crash, but it is disabled by a shock wave when it is ordered to destroy the huge UFO. The Bounty Hunter takes Scully captive but she will not tell him how to find Mulder. Mulder and Samantha arrive at the motel and find the evidence of the abduction. Samantha says the Bounty Hunter wants her, that the only way to kill him is at the base of the neck, and that his blood is toxic.

She says the clones represent an unauthorized alien colony that has been there since the 1940s, but their cloning work is considered to be diluting the alien species, so the Bounty Hunter has been sent to exterminate the colony. The captive Scully telephones Mulder to arrange an exchange and Skinner agrees to help, bringing along an FBI marksman. The exchange is made on an isollated bridge and the bounty Hunter is shot in the neck, falling over the rail still clutching Samantha. Bill Mulder berates Fox for losing Samantha, but given him an envelope from Samantha that contains a key and directions to an abortion clinic. There, Mulder finds multiple clones of his sister. The Bounty Hunter appears and burns the building, knocking Mulder unconscious, to be saved by firemen.

X tells Mulder that all of the clones were killed but that the original Samantha is save. He directs Mulder to the Arctic where he can find the Bounty Hunter and Mulder heads off alone. Meanwhile, Scully is told that the body of agent Weiss had a retrovirus in it that is inhibited by cold. Mulder finds the conning tower of a submarine sticking through the arctic ice and boards the ship. Everyone in the crew is dead except for one man, who claims to have hidden from the Bounty Hunter. Mulder realizes that it is really the bounty Hunter, who morphs back to his original form. In a struggle, the Bounty Hunter is wounded and emits a toxic gas. The subdued Mulder is thrown out onto the ice, the ship dives and the bounty Hunter escapes. Mulder is located, barely alive. At a military hospital doctors place him in a warm water bath but Scully bursts in and demands that he be chilled, not warmed. She realizes that he has the retrovirus, which saves him. As he recovers, Mulder finds a renewed motivation to keep looking for answers. The clones Scully had taken into protective custody have disappeared. Mulder ends the episode in intensive case.

Circa Feb. 20, 1995
Dr. Chester Banton is accidentally exposed to dark matter, and is not seen by his business associates for weeks. (Soft Light)
February 15, 1995
Humbug. In Gibsonton, Florida, Mulder and Scully investigate 48 deaths over two decades, traced to a group of circus sideshow. It turns out the culprit is a Siamese twin that can disconnect from its twin. (Date on The Conundrum's check is only partially visible -- February 2?, along with a mention about paying the rent early. A full moon occurred during this episode. Reader Edgar Governo sends the information that the only full moon in February 1995 occurred on the 15th. By the 22nd, it was already the last quarter. Conundrum must pay his rent very early, and maybe post date his checks.)
??? 1995
Fearful Symmetry. An invisible elephant, escaped from the Fairfield Idaho Zoo, near Boise, goes on a rampage, causing Mulder and Scully to investigate. Mountain Home AFB is not far away, which the Lone Gunmen say is a UFO hot spot. This would also put them not far from Ellens AFB, mentioned in Deep Throat as being in southwest Idaho. They meet Sophie, a lowland gorilla capable of speaking sign language who is "afraid of the light." It turns out the animals have been abductees, for impregnation and harvesting of the tissue.
March 12, 1995
Dod Kalm. At 65 degrees north latitude, 8 degrees east longitude, the US Navy destroyer escort USS Ardent has an encounter with a glowing underwater object, and the crew discovers itself be aging rapidly. They desert, and are found a few hours later by the Canadian fishing vessel Lizette. All 18 survivors appear to be about 90 years old. Mulder believes this event is an extension of the Philadelphia Experiment, of 1947.
When he and Scully board the Ardent, still in the north Atlantis, it appears to have been derelict for decades. Mulder and Scully begin aging, because of a contamination in the ship's water supply. Scully tells Mulder about meeting her father while she was unconscious (In One Breath) and that she is sure there is nothing to fear after death.
They are rescued just before death from old age, apparently by a helicopter (based on the orange flight suit of the rescuer). Dialysis and treatment with synthetic hormones helps them to de-age. The USS Ardent sinks. Note: Mulder gets seasick, and comments that it is lucky Scully inherited her father's legs -- sea legs. (Date taken from Scully log entry.)
March 17, 1995
Soft Light mentions a death on this date, with Mulder and Scully brought in several days later.
??? 1995
The Calusari. Mulder and Scully investigate the death of an Arlington, Virginia two year old who has an American father and a Romanian mother. When the father is later killed, an ash appears that has no organic or inorganic components-- supposedly the result in the presence of spirit beings, or during bilocation, when a person's energy is transported to a different location. Older brother, nine year old Charlie appears possessed, but it is really his evil twin, Michael, who died at birth. Mulder eventually helps a group of Romanian elders exorcise Charlie.
The elders say they are dealing with an evil that has always been present, as Cain, Lucifer and Hitler, that now knows Mulder and Scully.
In this episode, Scully calls in an FBI social worker, Karen Kosseff, the psychiatric social worker Scully saw in Irresistible, when she visited the Employee Assistance office.
??? 1995
F. Emasculata. In the Guanacaste Rain Forest of Costa Rica, Dr. Robert Torrence of the Biodiversity Project is infected by a beetle. Subsequently inmates in a prison are secretly infected by an extremely contagious disease, but two escape. Mulder and Scully are called in to help capture them. It is established that Pink Pharmaceuticals, a huge drug company, is conducting unethical research via this means.
March 31, 1995
Soft Light. Mulder and Scully are called to Richmond, Virginia, by Scully's former student, Kelly Ryan, who has just been promoted to detective, to investigate the death of an executive of Morley Tobacco Company. The man, Patrick Neuharth, apparently was totally incinerated, leaving only a small burn mark on the floor of his hotel room. In fact, research scientist Dr. Chester Banton, at Polarity Magnetics, has been exposed to dark matter with the unusual side effect that any living thing touching his shadow gets reduced into component atoms. Conspiracy forces, lead by X, attempt to kidnap Banton, but fail when all but X step on his shadow. After Banton's shadow kills Ryan, X captures Banton and the Conspiracy has his memory unreeled for study. (Date given by Mulder for Neuharth's death.)
??? 1995
Our Town. Mulder and Scully discover that much of the town of Dudley, Arkansas, has been engaging in cannibalism, as taught the practices of New Guinea by 92 year old Walter Chaco. One victim has the deadly Creutzfeldt-Jakob prion disease that can be transmitted by contact between cells. 27 people in Dudley eventually contract the condition. Scully is taken captive by the cannibals and almost beheaded, but is rescued by Mulder. Ten weeks before this episode, Agriculture Department inspector George Kearns is lured into the forest by Paula Gray and killed for a cannibal ceremony. Paula herself dies during the episode, shot by the county sheriff when she takes the chicken processing plant floor manager hostage while under the effects of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
April 9, 1995
Anasasi. A computer hacker breaks into the "MJ Documents," triggering an effort of an international commando "black" organization to recover the materials. Lone Gunmen call the group "Garnet." Mulder obtains the tape, but it turns out to be written in Navaho. Scully's name is found in the MJ Documents, as well as references to Merchandise and vaccinations.
The Cigarete Smoking Man pays a call on Bill Mulder. They clearly had an agreement that Cancer Man would never visit or seek him out, but Cancer Man says that was a long time ago and this business is pressing. He explains that Bill Mulder's name may be found in the MJ documents, and encourages him to "Deny Everything." Bill complains that the files should have been destroyed. CSM says he is protecting Fox Mulder, to a certain extent.
William Mulder calls his son to Martha's Vineyard to tell him tells Fox that the choices that had to be made seemed complicated in the past are clear now, but he regrets them now. He encourages his son to not give in, and tells him he will learn the meaning of the important words "the Merchandise," then is killed by Alex Krycek. His final words ask forgiveness from his son, although for exactly what remain unclear.
[In this episode, Fox seems shocked that his father might have been part of the conspiracy Fox is chasing, even though in 1989 former FBI agent Arthur Dale told Fox that Bill Mulder was involved. Does this mean Mulder did not believe Dale? (Travelers)]
Fox is drugged with a psychoactive agent in his apartment water system. He assaults Skinner and ignors a disciplinary hearing. Scully is forced to shoot him to keep him from killing Alex Krycek. She drugs him and takes him to Farmington, New Mexico. He wakes up on April 16. Albert Hohsteen and his family take him to a buried boxcar where there are dozens of misformed human bodies. The translated MJ documents say the bodies are the result of experimentation by Axis scientists in the US after World War II. The experiment subjects are referred to as The Merchandise. In spite of the alien appearance of the bodies, they have smallpox vaccination scars. We later learn they were killed with Hydrogen Cyanide. (Anasasi)
The Blessing Way. Mulder escapes death in a buried boxcar, when the altered human bodies in the car are burned by subordinates of the Cancer Man. The Navaho help him heal and while in a coma, Deep Throat and William Mulder talk to him.
The spirit of Deep Throat encourages him to return to the living. The spirit of Bill Mulder tells him he brokered fate with his children, a reference to Samantha's disappearance. He said the lies he told his son were a poison on his soul and a truth he could not live with. He regrets the decisions he made so long ago.
The Well Manicured Man approaches Scully and warns her that she may be killed, possibly by an acquaintance. This causes her to distrust Skinner. She and Skinner pull guns on each other in Mulder's apartment, short circuited by Mulder's arrival back home.
Paper Clip. Melissa Scully dies from gunshot wounds, shot in Scully's apartment when she is mistaken for her sister. Krycek obtains the digital tape with the MJ files, and disappears.
May 1995
Esther Nairn reveives her PhD from MIT, having specialized in automata theory. She begins post doctoral work at the Santa Fe Institute. Donald Gelman is her secret mentor. Sometime around now may be when she meets David Markham and falls in love. They begin developing a plan to upload the human mind into cyberspace. donald Gelman, however, forbids it.(Kill Switch)
June? 1995
Krycek sells information from the MJ documents about a UFO that crashed in the Pacific Ocean during W.W.II to the French government. French agents plan to recover the nuclear weapon.(Nisei)
July 1995
The Walk. A quadriplegic appears to travel out of his body when he is asleep, committing murders. (Date taken from mail postmark.)
Early August 1995
Fearing publicity, Cancer Man has the triangular-shaped UFO that crashed in the Pacific Ocean during W.W.II salvaged. A tramp steamer/salvage vessel registered in San Diego, the Talapus, is used to recover the UFO, allegedly looking for a sunken Japanese W.W.II submarine with gold on board.
Note: The name Talapus may be taken from Mount Talapus, near Portland, Oregon.
A Japanese medical team, conducting an autopsy of a body found on board the UFO is murdered by a military special forces team. An Allentown, PA, member of the Mutual UFO Network, Steven Zinter, intercepts an alien autopsy video feel on a satellite circuit, and sells it by mail order. (Nisei and 731)
??? 1995
Oubliette. In the Seattle, Washington area, Lucy Householder, who was kidnapped as a child and held captive in a basement for five years, experiences a psychic connection to Amy Jacobs, a new kidnap victim of the same man. She drowns to death while sitting in the back seat of a police car, preventing Amy from drowning in a river.
August 29, 1995
2Shy. Date taken from Scully's dictated autopsy notes.
September 12, 1995
D.P.O. Several people seem to have been killed by lightning in Connerville, Oklahoma. One person, Darrin Peter Oswald, who survives a lightning strike in the area, gains the power to generate electricity, like lightning. Unfortunately, he is mentally unstable, and actually killed the other victims. He has a crush on his pretty remedial reading teacher, Sharon Kvietz. Oswald is confined to a mental institution. Note: At one point, Darrin watches a music video featuring The Rosemarys. (Date taken from top ranking on video game.)
September 16, 1995
Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose. In Saint Paul, General Mutual insurance agent Clyde Bruckman is sporadically psychic, being able to predict a person's death. A psychic serial killer kills several fortune tellers, and targets Bruckman. On September 21 in Le Damfino Hotel, the killer attacks Mulder, and Scully kills the serial killer. Bruckman commits suicide. Scully acquires a pet dog, after Bruckman's neighbor dies. Bruckman tells Scully she will never die. He tells Mulder that Mulder doesn't want to know how he will die, although at one point he mentions "autoerotic asphyxiation." We first meet The Stupendous Yappi, a "professional" psychic. First broadcast on Friday the 13th.
??? 1995
The List. Napoleon "Neech" Manley is executed at Eastpoint State Penitentiary, Leon County, Florida. Twice before he has been strapped into the electric chair, but a last minute stay of execution had arrived. A strong believer in reincarnation, he vows to return and kill five people to revenge himself on the cruelty he has suffered. When multiple deaths occur, Scully and Mulder are called in to investigate.
Manley's wife, Danielle, believes her husband has taken over the body of a guard, which whom she is having an affair, and she shoots him. This concept is similar to the walk-ins" belief of the Church of the Red Museum. The five men die who are on Manley's list.
October 1995
Nisei. Seven weeks after he intercepts the video feed, Steven Zinter is killed by a Japanese diplomat who carries a briefcase with satellite photos of the Talapus. Senator Matheson helps Mulder locate the warehouse where the UFO is stored, and he sees what he believes to be an alien loaded onto a railroad quarantine car. Mulder boards the train. Scully meets several other women who claim to be abductees, and has a flashback in which she sees herself on an operating table, pregnant.
Robert Patrick Modell, calling himself Pusher, contacts FBI agent Frank Burst and confesses to several murders which had been classified as suicides. He eludes capture for some weeks. (Pusher)
October 1995
731. In Perkey, WV, a military team executes dozens of malformed humans from Dr. Zama's closed hospital.
Scully finds evidence that the chip implanted in her neck was recording thoughts, for later playback. The manufacturer is Japanese, connected by paperwork Dr. Shiro Zama's hospital in WV. Scully talks with a member of the Conspiracy, the Elder, also known to fans as the Fat Man, who tells her Zama kept his experimentation secret from his American patrons.
A man who claims to be an NSA operative kills Dr. Shiro Zama, under orders from the Conspiracy, but is himself killed by X. Scully concludes that she was tested in a similar rail car during her 1994 abduction, and that Zama tested subjects with diseases and radiation tests.
Mulder suspects that Zama was working to develop a alien/human hybrid intended as a weapon, to be immune to biological weapons.
The rail car explodes and the bodies at Zama's hospital are removed, leaving no traces. The Cancer Man obtains Zama's records. (Scully notes that two weeks earlier, the President apologized for secret radiation testing conducted on civilians up to 1974. The President's commission was appointed in January 1994 and presented its report in October 95.)
October 1995
News accounts report when the United States evacuated Vietnam almost 25 years earlier, Vietnamese commandos and spies were left behind enemy lines. The government is greatly embarrassed, and begins an investigation. Those pursuing the cover-up of American POWs left in Vietnam grow concerned.(Unrequited)
Octmber 1995
Piper Maru. An alien life form, waiting in a sunken P-51 Mustang takes control of a French salvage crew diver from the ship Piper Maru at the location where a Foo Fighter crashed in 1945 and where the Talapus salvaged a UFO earlier in the year. The entire crew suffers from extreme radiation poisoning, except for the infected diver, Gautier. The entity occupies other people, including Krycek.
FBI Assistant Director Skinner, is shot and wounded by an agent of the Cancer Man -- shown by evidence to be the same man who shot Melissa Scully, Argentine citizen Louis Cardinale. (Date based on Skinner saying it has been five months since Melissa was shot, which would really be September, but this episode has to follow Nisei and 731.)
Scully meets several women who claim to be abduction victims. Some are suffering from strange forms of cancer that does not respond to treatment. Some claim to recognize Scully from the "bright white place."
November 1995
Apocrypha. The Cancer Man takes Krycek into custody, while he is occupied by the alien entity. The entity is allowed to return to its UFO, placed for safe storage in an abandoned in missile silo 1013, at Black Crow, North Dakota, unlike other UFOs stored in Nevada. Krycek is left alive but sealed in the silo.
Skinner returns to work, limping from his gunshot wound. Cardinale is found dead in his cell, made to look like suicide.
The Conspiracy meets on 46th Street, New York, preserving the secrecy and future of its project.
Circa November, the events happen that are investigated by Jose Chung for his book "From Outer Space."
Melissa Riedel takes up residence at the Temple of the Seven Stars in Hamilton County, Tennessee. (The Field Where I Died)
??? 1995
Pusher. In Loudoun County, Virginia, Robert Modell is arrested following his claim to have committed 14 murders, but escapes by causing the police car driver to not see a semi truck. Scully and Mulder later learn that Modell is dying and looking for a worth opponent, which he considers Mulder to be. They corner him in a hospital where Modell forces Mulder into a game of Russian Roulette with a loaded gun. Scully pulls a fire alarm, breaking Modell's concentration, and Mulder shoots Modell. Modell is hospitalized in a deep coma.
The World Weekly Informer, a supermarket tabloid, publishes a story about the quasihuman liver fluke from The Host. Also in the issue, according to the headlines, are stories about a "girl raised by squirrels for 15 years found begging for peanuts in park," and "depravity rampant on hit TV show."
??? 1995
Teso Dos Bichos. When a Sokona Indian burial urn from the Ecuadorian highlands is returned to the Boston Museum of Natural History a series of deaths follows three weeks later. Mulder believes the deaths are the result of a curse of the jaguar spirit. The urn is eventually returned to Ecuador and reburied.
??? 1995
Hell Money. In China town, an unscrupulous doctor uses an elaborate lottery to obtain human organs for transplant.
November 28, 1995
Revelations. Scully believes she may have been chosen by God to protect a young boy's life. The boy is stigmatic, and is pursued by a serial killer. (Date taken from medication log. Christmas episode, broadcast December 15, the final X-File of 1995.)
??? 1995
War of the Coprophages. Computerized mechanical insects are discovered in Miller's Grove Massachusetts (not to be confused with Grover's Mill in "The War of the Worlds") that could be alien probes. Dr. Bambi Barenbaum expresses the opinion that UFOs are actually glowing nocturnal insect swarms.
December 1995
Krycek either escapes from the North Dakota missile silo, or is found by anti-government militia members, lead by Timothy Edward Mayhew. Krycek works with them to build two bombs. He plans to use one to decoy Mulder into a complex scheme. (Tunguska)

ots ans lots of thanx to X-Files Timeline