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The Syndicate: The Rules for a good horror Show

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Cigarette Smoking Man

This quiet but sinister man, always puffing on a cigarette, is a powerful force in the government and is clearly aware of UFO cover-ups and alien encounters. He's been monitoring Mulder's activities for years and is linked to an interglobal conspiracy to keep the truth about extraterrestrial
contact under wraps.

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Alex Krycek

Posing as a friend and admirer, Krycek is in reality a double agent assigned to spy on Mulder's activities by the Cigarette Smoking Man. Krycek's loyalties bounce from The Syndicate, to Russia, and back to Mulder. It is never clear exactly who Kryeck is working for, and how much power he holds.


Well Manicured Man

Tall, poised, impeccably tailored, the Well-Manicured Man appears to hold the whip in the band of master puppeteers who meet behind the brick facade of the club on West 46th Street in New York City. He is quite open about his willingness to lie, manipulate or even kill to protect his secrets, with the suave arrogance of a man who fears absolutely no power--except the truth.

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Vassily Peskow
This Russian assassin is brought out of retirement to erase all links to American experiments involving the mysterious Black Cancer (Tunguska/Terma). After succeeding in destroying all the evidence, Peskow returns home
to Russia, where he meets up with
his comrade, Alex Krycek.

First Elder

This Marlon Brando wannabe is another member of The Syndicate...a mysterious group of old men with links to the government, as well as a web of cohorts around the globe. They've been involved in all manner of malevolence since WWII, including Nazi-like testing on human subjects.


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Victor Klemper
Klemper is a Nazi War criminal and a participant in Operation Paper Clip, a U.S. government operation that provided safe haven for war criminals in exchange for their scientific knowledge. Klemper was experimenting with the creation of a super race...a hybridization of humans and aliens. After talking with the agents, Klemper mysteriously dies (Paper Clip).

Crew Cut Man

This man is responsible for killing Deep Throat, and he also makes an appearance in Wisconsin, site of a bioengineered hormone experiment (Red Museum), where he assassinates another possible witness
to "the project."


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Red Haired Man
To keep Mulder from learning the truth about the alien hybrid project, the Red Haired Man is hired to assassinate Mulder (731). Mulder is saved when  X arrives and kills the Red Haired Man.

Chief Scott Blevins

The person to originally assign Agent Scully to the X-Files, Blevins' true nature is eventually revealed when Mulder discovers that the Section Chief is the mole within the F.B.I. that has been working for the Syndicate all these years. After being discovered, Section Chief Blevins is shot, but his death is made to look like a suicide.


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Marita Covarrubias
Marita gives new meaning to the phrase "two faced." While working in the U.N. office as the Special Representative to the Secretary General, she supplies Mulder with information. But she also reports back to the Syndicate and is tangled up with Krycek as well.


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