{04092001}This morning I spent forever at the acupuncturist’s. A half an hour appointment always involves a lot of waiting. But much was made up for by the assistent who treated me. She has to be something near 60, but looks quite young, and is just the nicest person. She never tells me to go to a free room, like the male doctors, but first asks me how I am and then if I'm ready to get undressed. She won't start stabbing my skin before she has explained exactly what she is going to do and why. And when she comes back to take out the needles she will enter my 'cell' quietly and talk to me in a soft voice in order not to wake me up too harshly in case I should have fallen asleep.
I am extremely sensitive to kind people. The same goes for rude individuals. Talking about superficial contact, it only takes one smile, a wink, a word from someone I either know or have never seen before to give me this warm, glad feeling. It's also funny to see how differently people will treat you when you give them a smile before you start asking them or doing whatever you wanted to do. "You have a pretty smile", said the raper...
Seriously... It makes the world so much nicer. In the same way I hate it when people turn around or ignore me when I greet or smile at them. Which happens but too often. It's probably insecurity in most cases. But still... I am sure these seemingly silly kind of things can do the world of good to someone.On the way back home we stopped in a mad hunger rush at McDonalds. My mum and I ordered veggie burgers. They were kind of dodgy, I suspect that is McD's way of punishing the people who obliged them to provide things other than meat.
Then I had a delicious sugary donut with lots of chocolate and white sprinkels on it. By eating it I must have sinned against at least three restrictions on my food list and I didn't feel too healthy afterwards, but it was totally worth it ;)I wonder why food is so important to people. Not considering the amount of food that is absolutely necessary to keep us alive - I mean the other 75% of what's on our daily menu. The food we eat because we like the taste, the food we consume because we are sad or bored. Its positively satisfying effect must have a working similar to that of sex. Which is profoundly acknowleged to be the nr1 pleasure. If you ask me, food vs. sex would make a fair race. The winner? Hmmmm. Eating food off people seems a righteous deal.
Is prohibiting your patients to eat chocolate legal anyway?
~Quote of the day:~
Ik leerde gauw tevreden wezen;
Een lach, een hand, een aardig woord
Vol tederheid heeft mij bekoord,
Een kus heeft mij genezen.'Deemoed', Jan Greshoff
Once more I wished for the night.
How is *your* relationship with chocolate?