{24082001}I have been trying to define this diary and its contents. No easy job. For instance, it was never my intention to make my entries very personal, but after only one week I already feel that is going to be hard. One promise I made to myself is that whatever I write down here, it has to be true.
No fantasies. No hypocrisy. No lies.
I write about what is on my mind - and somehow I think this doesn't match with my refusing to showcase my private life on here...Tricky: being as the few people who read this are all people I personally know, I have to be careful with certain names and stories. As honest a person I try to be, I don't want to upset or hurt anyone. And I surely don't want to make anyone of you mad.
If I ever would, you would tell me, yes?
I am currently surfing the net to try and find a new place for my site. I want to get rid of this complicated URL which reduces the people who read this to a rather *very* modest number.
Whoever you are, it is worth writing for you though.:)
Bah. No quote today.
The first thing I did after I opened my eyes this morning was putting on Dimmu Borgir very loud. Call me weird, but shock therapy is the best way to go through hard things. Such as waking up.*