{11092001}We were in a bar when we heard about the terrorist attacks in the US. A tv in an upper corner showed the planes crashing into the WTC over and over. Devastation. Panic. The few people then present at the bar all stood or sat amazed and silently watched the images. The bar tender kept sadly shaking his head. I could feel the width of the disaster in that very cafe.
How much hatred can people carry? Committing suicide in the most hideous way is one thing, what's worse is that thousands of people were killed just for a fucking religious idea. I am praying the people in the aeroplanes never knew what was about to happen. How dreadful it must be to know you are flying towards death.
I stayed up late to watch the news reports on various channels. If I, how has so little to do with the whole matter, who lives so far away from the place of terror, if I already am so touched by the news, how must the local population feel like? Not even speaking of the ones who have relatives or friends died in the accident. God, I can't imagine.
I was in Leuven today with Hans and Kristine. Originally Hans and I had intended to talk over some things that have been burning topics of discussions between us for the past few weeks (*wink*), but then Kristine decided to come as well and it all turned out a little different. Not for the worse though. It was fun. Hans provided us with Garfield cartoons and watched us laugh our head of. Garfield is cool.
We ran into Willem in the city. We had dinner with him and another friend of his while following the breaking news on a big screen. All in all it was a very good day.I forgot my umbrella in Hans' room, which I didn't notice until I started feeling dizzy while walking, wanted to lean on it and found it wasn't there. That is so very me.
I also noticed I feel like I am wearing something special when wearing trousers instead of a skirt. I didn't quite feel at ease and caught myself looking at my appearance in windows. I mean, skirts don't have this *thing* between your legs.
Oh, and I use my fork and knive the other way round.Admit it, you are gagging for these kind of facts.
~Quote of the day:~
"This is not war. It's a terrorist attack."Whoever said this on BBC, bless him, he reassured me.
~Music:~ Hans leant me some gothic music, because I only know metal :) Until so far I really like Dark Sanctuary, Dornenreich and Empyrium.
What would *you* like to do to the committer of this crime?