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In addition to Enochian deities there is also an Egyptian deity associated with each Lesser Square of each Watchtower.
There are 16 Egyptian deities all together.
Where they r located is determined by the elements that r on the sides of the truncated pyramid for that Lesser Square,Thier names and when they r used r as follows:
The God osiris.God of the Dead.Presides over all squares where one pyramid side is of each element.
The Goddess Isis.Goddess of Nature and natural law.Presides over all Squares where one pyramid side is of each element.
The God Horus.God of human evolution,government,and growth.Presides over all Squares where at least three pyramid sides r of Earth.
The Goddess Nephthys.Goddes of esoteric law.Presides over all Squares where at least three pyramid sides r of Fire.
The God Ur-Heru or the Elder Horus.Horus as humanity matured.presides over all Squares where at least three pyramid sides r of Air.
The Goddess hathor.Goddess of nourishment.presides over all Squares that have two sides of Water and two sides of Earth.
The Goddess Sothis.Goddes of the Dog-Star(the star Sothis),Goddess of initiation.Presides over all Squares that have two sides of Water and two sides of Fire.
The God Harpocrates or the Child Horus.God of silence and youth.Presides over all Squares that have two sides of Water and two sides of Air.
The Apis bull.God of lust and desire for life.Presides over all Squares that have two sides of Fire and two sides of earth.
The God Anubis.God of the tuat and guide through the magickal universe.Presides over all Squares that have two sides of Air and two sides of earth.
The Goddess bast.Goddess of occultism and magick.Presides over all squares that have two sides of Fire and two sides of Air.
The god Mestha. .Protecter.One of the four sons of Horus.Presides over all Squares with at least one side each of Fire,water and Earth.
The God Hapi.Protector.One of the four sons of Horus.presides over all squares with at least one side each of Fire,water,and Air.
The God Tuamautef.Protector.One of the four sons of Horus.Presides over all Squares with at least one side each of earth,Water,and Air.
The God Qebhsennuf.Protector.One of the four sons of Horus.Presides over all Squares with at least one side each of Earth,Fire,and Air.
Along with an Egyptian deity,each Lesser Square also contains a sphinx that is constructed in four parts,according to the elements on the sides of the pyramid for the particular square.The sphinxes r unnamed,and r considered to be living embodiments of the elements that comprimise the Square.
The makeup of the sphinx is determined by the sides of the truncated pyramid.The four sides of a typical pyramid r shown here;
(all 16 subquadrants of the 4 Watchtowers can be found in the color plates).
1. Head.The element of Triangle 2,determines the head of the sphinx,and whether the sphinx has wings:
Air-----Human-headed with wings like an angel
Water-----Eagle-or hawk-headed with wings
Earth-----Bull-like torso/forelimbs without wings
Fire-----Lion-headed without wings
2. Upper Body,The elements of triangles 1 and 3 together determine the torso and arms r forelinbs:
Air-----Human torso/limbs with wings
Water-----Eagle r hawk torso with wings
Earth-----Bull-like torso/forelimbs without wings
Fire-----Lion-like torso/forelimbs without wings
3. lower Body.The element of triangle 4 determines the lower limbs(and tail for lion,bull,and eagle):
Air-----Human legs and feet
Water-----Eagle r hawk legs and tail
Earth-----Bull-like legs and tail
Fire-----Lion-like legs and tail
4. Sex.When Air and Fire are emphasized by the elements in the triangles,the tendency of the sphinx is to be male.When Water,and Earth are emphasized,the tendency of the sphinx is to be female.When these elements are equal,sex tends to be neutral and the sphinx is bisexual.