The Enochian Language was first recorded by Dr.John Dee, the Court Asrologer to Queen Elizabeth I of England in 1527. He was educated at Cambridge University and became an Authority on Mathmetics, Navigation, Astronomy, Astrology, and Natural Magick. He was friendly with Queen Elizabeth and reportedly worked for her as a Spy on several occasions.
In the course of his many studies, Dee became interested in Crystal Gaz n. He found he could not do it sucessfully himself so he hired Crystal-Gazers to do the actual operations for him while he took notes. He used a variety of crystals and two of them can be seen today in the British Museum.
Work n with Edward Kelly, his foremost associate and partner, Dee recorded and translated the Enochian language. Accord n to Dee's diary, the language was revealed to him by Angels. Kelly contacted the Angels in the subtle regions whih he called the Watchtowers and Aethyrs.
While Kelly conducted the Psychic Operation known as Scrying, Dee kept careful records of everything that occured. Kelly would look deeply into a Shewstone and describe aloud what he saw. The Shewstone is believed to have been a Black Crystal about the size of an egg. Although objects such as water and mirrors can often be used to skry sucessfully, the favored material is Crystal.Dee is credited to be one of the first Magicians to use a polished Crystal in the form of a Sphere-a Crystal Ball.

One of the main results of Dee's research was a series of Tablets sectioned into squares with letters on each square.These were the english equivalent letters of the Enochian Alphabet.They spelled out the names of those Dieties who rule over the Regions symbolized by the squares. The tablets were maps of the invisible spheres that surround the Physical World. Little became known of Dee's work until late in the 19th Century when it was utilized by a mysterious and highly secret brotherhood of Adepts in England who called themselves the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, or GD.
This Order adopted the Magickal System created by Dee and Kelly. They invoked the Enochian Dieties whose names were written on the Tablets. They also traveled in what they called thier Body of Light, into these Subtle regions, and recorded thier psychic experiences in a Scientific manner.The Golden Dawn refined the Enochian tablets of Dee and kelly, probably under the direction of its leader, macGregor Mathers.
Perhaps thier most important achievment was in founding an orderly approach for assigning characteristics to each of the squares. They designed a system in which the squares were assigned Elements, Planetary, tarot, and astrological correspondences as well as ruling Dieties. These r the signposts of the Watchtowers and they clearly show that order and logical structure prevail in the invisible planes beyond our physical world. One member, Aleister Crowley, left the order and was later the head of the Ordi Templi Orientis, or O.T.O.. Crowley traveled thru each of the 30 Aethyrs, and carefully recorded his experiences in a book called the Vision and the Voice.
Today Enochian magick is experiencing a rebirth of interest. While members of the O.T.O. and the G.D. have studied it for years, many lone individuals have recently started to practice Enochian Magick because they r find n it is a useful tool in shaping the philosophy of thier own lives.