

Narcoleptic Seasonings
I used to think and dream
These are my narcoleptic seasonings

That a person so perfect only existed in fairytales
For the last five years I'd want to sleep
Escape to my world
Where an angel from above
Steals my heart with her love
Her honesty and prestige
Could never be matched
These are my narcoleptic seasonings
Always there with an ear
A crying shoulder always near
Understanding and compassionate
Uplifting, supportive and empathic
Amphetamines and aphrodisiacs
High; gone out tripping
Living life's perfect dream
No normalcy, boundries nor limits
No rules, fear nor loneliness
These are my narcoleptic seasonings
Because she's there along beside me
No more numbing apathy
No more hiding behind a plastic smile
Here I'm truly happy
These are my narcoleptic seasonings

It feels so good to escape this place
Of deafening sadness; blinding madness
Here I'm not crazy; no one is
Here we're seen as unique elegant soldiers of comatose
Each with a story, each with a dream
Just because we think doesn't mean we're insane

These are my narcoleptic seasonings

Syringe wounds up and down
My arms have no feeling
Nor does the rest of mine
Bleak sights;
Glared off from the time
That has brought me to see them
I hated life then...
And to escape that I transferred that hate to now
Every new problem; every new solution
Is just the scapegoat for the past
To keep pace with my blackening soul

These are my narcoleptic seasonings

The world I hate
Is the one in which I live
The world I love simply does not exist
To live a dream is to live a lie
For the truth never changes
Store it in a zip lock bag
Keep it in your pocket while free falling a never-
These are my narcoleptic seasonings
ending descent of interactions through transactions
Let my hand go; let me fall
Free of all convictions
Free of worries and sins
Free in every essence
Please don't wake me; I don't want to go home

These are my narcoleptic seasonings

Drugs are an answer; novocaine for the brain
Numbing the reality of the existing pain
As they wear; the mind tears
As the pain comes rushing back
High or low; fast or slow
Still poblematic and troubled
These are my narcoleptic seasonings

Pain creates the incision
Hiding creates the scars
Running is futile
Fear is irrelevant
Time rests for no one
So for now I'll just dream
A fictional illustration
Of life as it was before the glass was stained
But these things cannot be; thus they're in my dreams
Back at the beginning

These are my narcoleptic seasonings

They're all so bittersweet
These are my narcoleptic seasonings

I love the world that started it all
These are my narcoleptic seasonings

Driving the stake deeper; while a needle is cheaper
These are my narcoleptic seasonings

Systematic dismay;
Caked in foundation and silicon

These are my narcoleptic seasonings Written by : Drake Blackstone
Performed by 7th Extension
From the lp Narcoleptic Seasonings
7th Extension is:
Drake : Vocals, Guitar
Veronica : Bass
Elena. : Keyboards
Kristen : Drums