MMagick as Science and Art
To me it is an art because it utilizes skills such as psychic power we are born with, as a science it is knowledge that has to be learned.

Everyone has some hidden mental ability but most have to practice various Magickal skills to master thier psychic talent.
> What is Magick?
One definition for Magick is a means to control actions and situations with the will.
It allows u to control ur self and ur surroundings with directed willpower, this means u can deliberately control ur own destiny
"you create ur own reality"

How Magick becomes a Science
Every deliberate willful act is a Magickal act, Acts which u repeat every day become ordinary and familiar---thus Scientific, I view acts as either scientific r Magickal accord n to famiiliarity,availability, and viewpoint.
It is important, when trying to understand Magick vs. Science, to realize that most Science was once considered Magick.
Imagine urself say n the world was round back in the days of Copernicus.
Such action would have led to a quick bbq with u as the guest of honor on the spit!
Even in the more modern world of John Dee,the founder of Enochian Magick, u could have been killed for use n the plus r minus signs-both were thot to b signs of the Devil.
Try to remember that today's Magick is tomorrow's Science.
The terminology may be different, but the principles r the same


1. The Law of Duality.
Good and Evil, life and death, and day and night, are all examples of dualities.
All forces and events in our universe are polar.
Each has an opposite and neither side can exist without the other.

2.The Law of Periodicity.
This is sometimes called the Law of Cycles,the principle of cyclic change, all growth is cyclic.
Growth and decline produce the Wheel of Life.

3.The Law of Identity.
All things in our universe are basically identical.
The core r essence of every person is spiritual, a spark of divinity.
Differences r due to stages of development.

Magickal practices may be grouped under 4 headings.
The first,called Sympathetic Magick,is based on Symbolism and wish fufillment.
Desired effects r accomplished by imitation r by mak n use of associated objects.
Thus, it is thot that one may injure enemys by stick n pins into images of them, r by burn n hair r nail parings from thier bodies.
A second major Magickal practice is Divination, the aquisition of secret knowledge by Sortilege(cast n lots), Augory(interpret n omens r portents), Astrology(interpret n the positions and conjuctions of the stars and planets), and Strength, fleetness, or skill of an animal may be aquired by eat n its flesh r usin tools made from its skin, Hongues (inspired utterences by people in a state of trance, by oracular priests, r by mediums).
The third from magick is Thaumaturgy, r wonder work n,which includes Alchemy,Witchcraft, and Sorcery.
The 4th form of Magick is Incantation, r the chant n of spells, verses r formulas that contain the names of supernatural beings or of people who r to be helped r injured.
Magick Rituals r generally a combination of these forms