Ya know,it is a sad fact that this part of History is so sadly overlooked by Dumbass Xtians who fail to realize that thier Churches r Founded on Murder and Tyranny.The estimated number of people killed in the name of the Xtian God is in the Millions,some Scholars estimate as high as 12 Million,while other say it was much lower.The Holocaust had 9 Million victims and it is a part of History that cant be ignored,but these poor Souls tortured by Religious Fiends may never know peace,for there will never be acceptance from the stupid Ass Churches that have so many Skeletons in thier closet(pardon the pun).This just pisses me off.
He must not be too quick to subject a witch to examination,
but must pay attention to certain signs which will follow.
And he must not be too quick for this reason: unless God,
through a holy Angel, compels the devil
to withold his help from the witch,
she will be so insensible to the pains of torture that
she will sooner be torn limb from limb than confess any of the truth.
-- Kramer and Sprenger, the Malleus Maleficarum.
The Ladder Rack
"This is a reconstruction of an inclined ladder. The victim was stretched out on the device until his shoulders dislocated. It was also common for the victim to be burned on the armpits and the flanks with a torch composed of seven wax tapers"
The Rippers
"Cold or red hot, the four claws ripped the breasts of countless women condemned for heresy, adultery and 'libidinous acts' such as self-abortion, white magic and other crimes.
The Judas Cradle
This procedure has remained essentially unchanged from the Middle Ages until today. The victim is hoisted up in the manner shown in the accompanying illustration, and lowered onto the point of the pyramid in such a way that his weight rests on the point positioned in the anus, in the vagina, under the scrotum or under the coccyx (the last two or three vertebrae). The executioner, according to the pleasure of the interrogators, can vary the pressure from zero to that of total body weight. The victim can be rocked, or made to fall repeatedly onto the point. The Judas cradle was thus called also in Italian (culla di Giuda) and German (Judaswiege), but in French it was known as la veille, "the wake" or "nightwatch". Nowadays this method enjoys the favour of not a few governments in Latin America and elsewhere, with and without improvements like electrified waist rings and pyramid points
The Pear
The pear had more than one implementation, with the most popular being the oral use. The pear was also used in the rectum and in the vagina.
The pear was "expanded by force of the screw to the maximum aperture of their segments. The inside of the cavity in question is irremediably mutilated, nearly always fatally so. The pointed prongs at the end of the seqments serve better to rip into the throat" or "the intestines."
When applied vaginally, the spikes wreaked havok on the poor woman's cervix. The vaginal use was devised for women who had been found guilty of sexual union with the Devil or his familiars.
The Heretic's Fork
With the four sharp points rammed deep into the flesh under the chin and into the bone of the sternum, the fork prevented all movement of the head and allowed the victim only to murmur, in a barely audible voice, "abiuro" ("I recant", engraved on one side of the fork). If instead he still refused, and if the Inquisition was the Spanish one, he was held to be an "impenitent heretic" and, dressed in the characteristic costume, was led to the stake, but with the consolation of the sacrament if extreme unction; if instead it was the Roman one, he was hanged orburned, without the benefit of the pretty costume but still with that of proper Christian rites.