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"The Aide"

I sat here this morning wating for you to come.
you cook me with my bath.
But the best thing you do is make me smile....make me laugh.

I know when you see me you must think "how sad"
So old and must be dreary.
Nothing left to do....nothing left to hold on to.

But don't you worry...look again at my old face.
There's years of happines there not even time can erase.
Behind these eyes lives a little girl...headful of bouncing curls,
Running...jumping...into her Papa's arms.

A small child on her first day of school,
Not wanting to leave her Mom at the gate....
A young lady on her first date.
The college grad full of hope,the rest of her life to live...
A beautiful Bride,nervous and thrilled
A young mother looking with wonder
At the child she hold at her breast...
Hoping for a portion of wisdom...her mother's best.

Delighted and crying as my own children leave.
Devoted and loving to the grandchildren God blessed to me.

You see dear Aide,there is more here than you thought.
Because,you see, I'm still all this...and more.
A hold life time to share,if you'll lend an ear.
Yes.I'm tired and grateful you come when you do.
But please,please remember...I was once JUST LIKE YOU.
"Author Toni Higgins"

Angels Designs
