My Awards

These are my awards! I hope to get more of them soon! (And guess how I can do that? *gazes out at the audience and gives her toothiest smile*)

Thanks so much, Jemima, for this award! Jemima's site can be found in the links section.

Thank you, Etcetera, for this cute award! Her site can also be found in the links section. (Notice a pattern here? Give me an award...get linked by my site... Well, actually, both of those were there before I got the award, but if you give me one, I'll still put up your link! :P)

Thanks CatAnna (and Monday the Meditative Cat) for this great award!! Click on the award to visit her site, you'll be glad you did!

Thanks Molly, for surprising me with this lovely award! Just click on it to be transported to her equally lovely site.

Thanks Jazzcat, for this award! As you can see, Jazz is big on graphics. If you would like to see more of her graphics, go to her site, Forever Jellicle, in the links section.

Thank you Misty, it is pretty. (That rhymes.)

Thanks, FutureJemima!