Fanfiction Submissions

Fanfiction Submissions

Since I try not to exchange emails with people I don't really know (or rather, my parents try to enforce that within me)it's a lot easier for me to use a guestbook for submissions instead of being contacted through email. Here's what you do:

You must include your name/handle, with email.

Instead of putting the link and name of your site in the guestbook, provide a direct link to your fanfiction and its title.

It's a given that I'll put your name and email up with the story. If you'd rather me not do that, or if you need to give me any special directions (not TOO special... remember I might have to HTML it as well!) about your story or something, put them in the box.

If you have your story in HTML form, please specify that in the Comment box and I'll figure out some way to get it.

Submit Fanfic