Dare you Look at a King

By Rio: Macavitysgirl@hotmail.com

"Are you blind when you're born?" Singing to himself, Skimbleshanks groomed his ginger fur and straightened his whiskers. "Can you see in the dark?"

"Dare you look at a king?" A female voice joined in, a pair of slim arms sliding around his waist, a soft cheek rubbing against his strong shoulder.

"Och, aye." He laughed, squeezing the gentle paws, turning from the cracked, but highly-polished mirror to face the delightful queen behind him, he raised his paws and cupped her chin in his paws.

"Because you're the railway cat." Playfully pawing at his collar, she smiled up at him.

"That's right, love." Kissing her gently, he caressed her cheek, his glass-green eyes meeting her golden ones again.

"You better go, love." Ruffling his topknot, she gently gave him a push. "You're late already."

Tugging her close, he kissed her deeply and purred "Whose fault is that?"

"Get off, you idiot!" She laughed, pushing him away again. "You are too late! Go!"

Smoothing his fur back down, he pinched her rear fondly and scampered away, naughtily grinning back at her and leaping out of the window, disappearing towards the railway yard.

"Skimble? Where is Skimble?" All the guards and all the porters and the stationmaster's daughters were searching high and low. "That blasted cat had to disappear today, didn't he?"

Peering over the ledge of the roof, Skimbleshanks grinned down, observing the goings-on on the decorated platform, flags and streamers trailing all over the station. A tall man stood at the doorway of the station, a wide stripe of shiny metal - studded with sparkley stones - set on his brow. His clothes, rich and elegant, were neat and clean. Too clean.

With a wicked twinkle in his eyes, Skimbleshanks rolled in the wide gutter on the roof, coating his coat in leaves and dirt. He'd have to teach Old Deuteronomy's three new sons - little Munkustrap, Macavity and Rum Tum Tugger - the art of annoying humans. Perhaps he was resorting to a somewhat old-fashioned technique, but heck, it was fun. Looking down at himself, he nodded in satisfaction, paddling in the gungy dirt to make certain his paws were covered.

Taking careful aim, he paused as the tall human stepped out of the building into the sunlight and onto the long red carpet. "Three, two...one." Letting out an ear-splitting caterwaul, he threw himself off the roof to land on the man's shoulders, his forepaws slamming on the noble head, his hind paws spreading long slashes of dirt across the back of his velvet coat.

The heavy, golden hat clanked on the ground and there was a horrified gasp amid the observing huumans. "What a lovely cat!" The human laughed, as Skimbleshanks leaned over his head and peered at him curiously, batting at the long, dark, bristly hair under the man's nose.

"This is Skimbleshanks." The stationmaster bustled up, his face a shade of red that the young railway cat had never seen before. Reaching up, he lifted the filthy, struggling ginger tom down, ignoring his mewling hisses of protest. "He's our new cat."

"He's marvellous!" Stubbornly, Skimbleshanks leapt back into the complimentary gentleman's arms, rubbing his head against the once-smooth, now-dirt-stained dark velvet of the jacket. "What a handsome fellow."

"Your Majesty...I apologise for the mess....er...I..."

"No need, sir." The tall human smiled, rubbing the purring, ginger tom's head gently. Skimbleshanks' green eyes narrowed to slits, his purring thrumming louder in his chest. Majesty. Nudging his head against the man's chin, he pawed his beard playfully. He had looked at a King, but he had nothing to show for it. Lightly clawing the manicured hands, Skimbleshanks' eyes sparkled with sudden delight. A bell! A shiny, sparkly little bell!

Lunging at it, he caught it between his paws and grinned, tugging at it. "Oh, you like that?" Laughing again, the man stepped onto the train, Skimbleshanks still held in his arms. "Well," With his other hand, he loosened the bell and held it up in front of the purring cat. "It's yours, my little friend."

Mine? Skimble's eyes lit up, as the bell was fastened onto his collar, tinkling lightly. No one will believe this!

"Jenny! Jenny! Look!" Racing back to his queen, the bell jingling at his throat, he burst into their home and grinned triumphantly.

"What have you been up to? Look at the state of you!" Shaking her head in mock-despair, Jennyanydots examined the tom cynically.

"I looked at a King, Jenny!" Pointing to the bell at his throat, he grabbed her and hugged her, rubbing his cheek against hers. "I looked at him!"

"You daftie!" Pulling back to look at the bell, she laughed. "Yer daft!"

"I know." Grinning, he kissed her. "And that's why you love me." Pulling her tail teasingly, he chuckled. "And I'm pedigree too."

"Pedigree?" Giggling, she slapped him playfully across the face. "I've seen more pedigree in an alley cat!"

"Where do you think I learnt my bedside manner, darlin'?" Leading her towards their room, he purred softly. "C'mon and I'll refresh yer memory."

"You're filthy! If this is what I get from you looking at a King..." Teasingly pushing him away, she sniffed with indignation. "I've never seen such a dirty cat!"

"Come wih me and I'll show ye just how dirty I can get, darlin'." Licking her silky cheek, he caressed her face. "Ye comin'?"

"I hope so." Stepping into their room with him, she let the flap fall silently down behind them, shutting out the world.