Notorious Duo... part 10

Part X

By Mistacor

When the Jellicles finally returned with Mistacor to the Junkyard, everyone was happy. There was much greeting, as if saying hello to old friends, and much love. For that moment, nobody cared about Macavity or any evil, for that matter.

Mistacor was tired and wounded and so was Mungojerrie who stood beside her, weary and leaning a shoulder against her arm. The revelry before them was distant and blurry in both their eyes. Besides for Rumpleteazer who was enjoying herself being among her kitten friends and being the centre of attention, neither of them had anyone really to turn to. They were there more in a respect of duty than anything else.

Munkustrap looked to them both, as if reading their minds, and winked. " I'll hold up the fortress for now. You two, go on. I'll explain it all to them."

The two calicos nodded gratefully with a light smile and began to head off to Mungo's quiet part of the yard.

" Don't forget the Ball tomorrow night! " Jemima called cheerfully after them, seeing Mista rest her head gently on Jerrie's shoulder.

Away from all the joyfulness and pouncing he normally could never skip, Pouncival stared after the two steadily in a pensive gaze of mixed emotions and thoughts.

Someone then suddenly pounced him from behind and sat on his back, giggling.

" Gotcha! " Etcetera cried triumphantly with a grin, her tail waving up behind her like a banner of war.

" Cetty, get offa me," the young tom hissed and shook her off of him abruptly.

The little kit's mirth turned to hurt and confusion. " But what I do? " she demanded.

She didn't get an answer as Pounce turned and stalked away.


Mistacor gently licked her love's scratched face as he winced only slightly, cleaning away the drying blood.

It was a silent moment for them and no words were necessary in the confines of their metal haven of pipe known only to them and Teazer. In a deep sense, they were just as bonded as Coricopat and Tantomile were.

And just as the silvery queen began to groom his whiskers, his nose twitched and he playfully pulled her down beside him and laughed.

" Alroigh' now. I's yer turn," Mungo grinned and licked her ears affectionately, ignoring blissfully her half-hearted squirm of protest.

She shut her eyes tightly, for a second, as he worked on her nearly identical scratch, her eyes glazed over in feline contemplation. There was a pause and the fading commotion outside was the only sound.

" Jerrie? " Mista asked softly as his rough tongue rasped against her cheek.

" Yeh? "

" I'm sor'y I almos' go' ya kil'ed... I' I di', I'd ne'er be ab'e ta li'e wit' meself."

Mungojerrie stopped grooming her for a second to look seriously into her eyes, trying to see everything about her through her autumn-windowed eyes. " Mistacor, I love ya. Nothin' wi' change tha'. Besi'es, i' wasn't you; i' we' Macavity. 'e 'urt you. 'e 'urt me."

" Bu' i' wa' my jealousy tha'-"

" Shh," he hushed her with a gentle lick to her muzzle. " I' only wa' a small par' o' i' an' Macavity di' th' rest."

" Bu' Kriana woul' sti' be ali'e righ' now if i' we'n't fer me..."

" An' she in turn, woul' be ou' killin' more ca's."

The young queen's eyes widened slightly, a cross of confusion and amazement flickering across her white-silverish face.

Jerrie smiled, sensing her thoughts as if they were his own. " Ye', tha's one thin' ya ne'er knew abou' 'er, luv. She wa' noneot'er tha' Macavity's mate... unti' she betrayed 'im. Tha's whe' 'e made 'er insane, doin' thin's an' no' 'avin' a clue of i' af'erwar's."

Mista blinked, intrigued despite herself. " Bu' she sai' she we' loya' ta 'im."

" Loya' " the young tom grinned, trying futilely to suppress his laughter. " D'ya 'ave any idea 'ow many toms she's been wit' since Mac? "

His reply was a dumbfounded gape.

" I know i' soun's weir' ta laugh abou' thi' bu' Kriana wa' nothin' more tha' a puppe', a los' ca'e." He licked her forehead lightly, his gaze fond. "I's all o'er now... No re'son fer tears or apologies."

Mistacor nuzzled his shoulder lovingly. " I love ya, Jer." She closed her eyes, purring as she smiled softly in the darkness.

" I love ya, too, Mista... Fore'er an' e'er..." the calico tom returned contently, smiling comfortably against her.

And as they renewed their vows of love, one single blue-tipped star fell like trickling rain in a sea of peaceful night.


Pouncival cautiously made his way to the tunnel he had seen Mungojerrie and Mistacor go in. The Jellicle Ball was tomorrow night and he had to talk to her before then. The Junkyard was still and asleep, the only sound the distant chirp of crickets.

He had been worried about Mista ever since Munkustrap's announcement that they should leave her alone. He had tried to stick up for her but they didn't take him seriously... No one ever took him seriously. But, now that she was back and things were getting to go back to normal, he had to proclaim himself to her... But how could he explain his feelings to her when he didn't quite understand them himself?

" Pounce? Is tha' you? "

The said kitten whirled to see Rumpleteazer looking at him expectantly with a friendly smile.

He took a step back hesitantly. " Oh, hi, Teaze..."

" Hi! " the calico queen chirped up with a smile. " Wha'cha up to so la'e, mmm? "

" Uh... Well, I was just going to see Mista for a second. I didn't get to welcome her back yet."

Rumple's ears flicked. " Can't i' wai' ti' mornin'? "

" No, it's important! " Pouncival shot back, exasperated, and then quickly wished he hadn't spoke that way to his friend.

Teazer smiled in understanding and went to him. " Pounce, I know ya li'e 'er an' all bu'-"

" No, I don't! " he denied.

She giggled. " 'ey, i' doesn't ta'e a Rumpus ta see i'. I've seen 'ow ya look a' 'er."

The kitten nodded his head in submissal.

" Bu'..." She turned serious. " Pounce, she's al'eady in love wit' Jerrie. It'd be wron' ta go bot'erin' 'em now..."

" She's not in love with him! " the greyish kit denied again, looking as if her words had hurt him. " They're just friends."

Rumpleteazer didn't know what to say. " Look, kiddo, I know ya don' wan'a 'ear i' bu' I'm tellin' ya as someone 'o knows, Mungo an' Mista a'e in-"

" No! " the young tom hissed and ran off to the tunnel as fast his legs could go. When he reached the entrance and stopped, he found neither Teazer nor anyone else had followed him.

Good, he thought and prepared to do what his heart had put him up to.

" Here goes," he whispered softly to himself and meowed as mellow as he could into the pipe...


Mungojerrie was the first to stir, he and Mista curled up together. His ears perked and he involuntarily yawned, accidently waking the sleeping cat beside him.

" Jerrie? " Mista whispered, groggy with sleep. She felt him lick her forehead and a small purr came sleepily from her throat.

" Just Pounce," came the reassuring reply. " I can reco'nize tha' meow anywhe'." Moving away from her stealthily, he stretched wide. " I'll go see wha' 'e wan's. Be righ' bac'."

The silver female smiled in her sleep. " Alrigh'."

Mungojerrie left the confines of the pipe and smiled as lightheartedly as one could when woken up in the middle of the night. " 'ey, Pounce," he greeted. " Wha's up? "

The kit's gaze was in slight awkwardness. He wasn't expecting Mungo to come out... What would he say? What could he say? He thought back to what Teazer had said and immediately shook it away, his own stubborness giving him courage.

" Jer, sorry to wake ya but... I need to talk to Mista."

" A' thi' hour? " the calico asked, incredulous, and then grinned. " A' ya mad? Does Jenny or Skimble know ye're 'ere? "

" No," Pounce stated flatly, indignant and insulted. " Jer, I need to see her.... Please? Just for a minute? "

Jerrie stared at him for a second longer, unsure, then nodded and disappeared within the tunnel.

After a long minute or so and some muffled words, Mistacor crept out placidly and gave a sweet smile to the mackerel tom before her in genuine greeting. She showed no shame in stretching and giving a yawn with a twitch of her head.

" Good mornin'! " she grinned.

Pouncival had to smile along for that's what he loved about her. She could light up any mood with her mischievous, dulcet disposition.

" I hope you don't mind my waking you..."

" Naah, I've bee' up earlie' tha' tha' whe' I was ju' a stree' ca'... Bu' wha' bi' yer tail ta see me so early anywa'? " the silver calico asked with mirth in her voice.

" Uh... Well..." A redness came over him, making him even more uneasy. " I just wanted to say... I'm glad you're back and everything and....uh...."

" An'? " she raised an eyebrow with a stifled giggle.

" Mista, do you love Mungo? " he suddenly asked without any thought.

" Wha'?? " the calico female sputtered with laughter and a sneeze. " I'd al'ays though' i' wa' qui'e o'viou'," she grinned.

Despite her infectiousness, the young tom didn't laugh though his tail lowered slightly. " Is that a yes? " he persisted, hopeful.

Mista giggled and batted at him playfully, oblivious. " Yeh, i's a yes! "

When she saw his tail droop even lower like a falling flag, she smiled sympathetically and rubbed her head against his. " 'ey, don' frown. Ye'll fin' someone too an' the' ye'll be toget'er fore'er too. Don' wish along yer chil'ood so fas'. Tha's wha' Skimble tol' me whe' I firs' go' 'ere."

He wanted to say he loved her, wanted to tell her everything... but he couldn't.

Mista didn't understand. She thought he was just envious but that wasn't it at all... But she was happy with Mungojerrie and he realized for the first time thatt hey really did love each other and that Rumpleteazer was right. His eyes were opened now, painful as it was. To ask her to be his mate was unfair after Jerrie had done so much for her and knew her best.

Mungo had saved her from the Pollicles. Mungo had taken her in when she was beaten and wounded. Mungo had won her hard-earned trust. Mungo had rescued her from Macavity.

Pounce nodded with a smile. " So you really are happy together? " he asked in marval of her.

She laughed but was blushing. " Ye', we a'e..." and widened her eyes in joy. " Oh, Pounce, af'er all me li'e as a stray, I final'y 'ave a fam'ly! "

Pouncival grinned. " I'm happy for you, Mista. Hey! You wanna play Pounce The Jellicle with me tomorrow? It'll be fun! "

Mista's ears twitched. " Fun's me callin' card. I'll be the'! "

" 'kay. Later! " the yuong tom called as he ran off to his chair.

" G'nigh', Pounce! " she called back and went back in the tunnel to sleep.


Pouncival smiled to himself softly, feeling a lot more like his old self. He jumped up onto his rocker and curled himself into a tight ball to ward off the cool night air. He closed his eyes to sleep when he, all of a sudden felt someone close to him. Opening his eyes again, he saw Rumpleteazer looking up at him.

He smiled. " Hi, Teaze."

The calico queen smiled back. " 'ow di' she ta'e i'? "

" She didn't. I mean, I didn't tell her." He looked solemn. " You were right. She and Mungo are too happy together. I just missed my chance, that's all."

" Bu' 'ey, " the young queen smiled cheerfully. " Ya migh' fin' someone tomorra' nigh' a' th' Ball."

" Yeah, maybe..." He yawned with a smile. " Good night, Teaze."

" Good nigh', Pounce," Rumple returned gently, turning to leave.

" Hey, Teazer? "

" Ye'? "

" Don't tell anyone about... well... you know...."

Rumpleteazer grinned. " I promi'e. No' a word."

Part 11