Notorious Duo... part 7

Notorious Duo Turns Triple

By Mistacor

Part VII

The Jellicle rescue party walked the streets, getting closer and closer to Macavity's lair. They paced themselves as they walked, giving them time to plan their manuevers and prepare mentally. The streets were still busy with people but not nearly as bad like during the day. Darkness was falling, the sun having sunk behind the horizon only a few moments before. It was a strange sight to humans as they went, having a line of cats walk past them determinedly.

" They sure know where they're going, I suppose," one passerby had spoken in amusement.

Munkustrap and Alonzo lead the line, walking side by side at an easy gait. Next, came Bombalurina, Tugger, and Tumblebrutus. Behind them, were the mystical twins and Mistoffelees who spoke quietly amongst themselves, every so often taking a quick glance at Mungojerrie who, with his sister, made up the rear of the party.

Rumpleteazer noticed her brother's irritated, confused look and gently rubbed her head against his shoulder as they walked. " Wha' is it? " she asked softly.

Mungojerrie looked to her and then back to Mistoffelees and the twins. "Nothin', I s'pose... I's ju' the' keep lookin' ba' a' us as if keepin' a secre' or somethin'. I's gettin' ta me."

Then suddenly, as if on cue, Mistoffelees turned and smiled, the twins giving the conjuring cat a momentary glance before quickening their pace slightly to get out of hearing range.

" Hey! " Misto grinned. " Can I talk to you two for a minute? "

" Yea', o' course! " Teazer smiled brightly. Seeing Misto smile made everyone smile and be happy, even in the most severe times, if only for a second.

Mungo nodded his approval and the magic cat walked beside his friends, making sure not to lose the group ahead of them.

After a brief, edgy silence, Mistoffelees cleared his throat and became serious. " I'm really not good at being the bearer of this kind of news..."

" What kind of news? " Teazer asked, her eyes widening slightly.

" It's about Mistacor...." He looked at Jerrie before continuing. " Have you two wondered yet why I said it was important for Coricopat and Tantomile to come with us to Macavity? "

Jerrie nodded. " We', kind of... The' aren't real'y th' type fer fightin'."

" No, they aren't," Misto agreed. " But they are like me: the magic type. And that's what we may need to fight Macavity and save Mistacor."

The calico tom shook his head truthfully. " Ta be hone', Misto, I thin' we ca' figh' Macavity an' save 'er wit' plain wit an' strength."

Mistoffelees licked his lips. " But that's what I want to tell you about. Mistacor isn't an ordinary cat. She's special."

Teazer nudged her friend with a raised eyebrow and a smile. " Misto, wha's yer poin'? Ou' wit' it! "

" Mista's a magic cat, like me and the twins."

Jerrie and Teazer just stood there agape as they stared at him.

Mungo was the first to stutter out, " ....Bu' 'ow?? "

" You must have noticed her eyes at some point. They glow silver whenever she's angry, or so the twins tell me they've noticed, and they would never lie. The power Mista has is the power of the Jellicle Moon and it is stronger than any other magic out there."

" Eve' more powerful tha' yours? " Rumpleteazer asked in shock.

Misto nodded to her.

" Why di'n't she ever tell me? " Jerrie asked, his spirits dying.

Mistoffelees nudged him kindly. " She doesn't know about it. But Macavity does. That's why he catnapped her. He'll try and awaken her power any way he knows how and drive her down the path of evil."

" The', we got'a stop 'im. Now," Mungo said determinedly. " I got'a save 'er! I won' give 'er up e'er! "

" Hold on, Jerrie! There's more."

" I' Mista's power goo' or evil, Misto? " Teazer asked.

" It depends on how it's nurtured. Magic doesn't have an alignment. It can switch sides however many times it wants. But Macavity's got her and if he awakens that power, there's no telling what she'll do...or become...."


Kriana entered the prison with the fish deemed as Mistacor's dinner in tow. She had wondered briefly why the guard at the door had locked it behind her but that thought left her as she started up her cautious street sense.

There was no light in the cell except for the moonlight as it streamed in through the small window. Gingerly, she dropped the fish to the ground, eying the darkness as best she could.

" I'm no' 'ungry," came a low growl from the blackness, sounding dead and destroyed with an unbearable sadness covered by the bile of jealousy and rage.

Kriana straightened, not letting her defenses down. " Well, you better eat something to keep up your strength at least."

" Why? " came the voice tinged with irony. " Don' te' me ya ca' abou' me."

The elegant Korat stiffened. " I don't care whether or not prisoners die or live. I obey orders and Macavity wants you to eat so I advise you do." She turned to leave when she heard a loud hiss.

From the shadows, two silver eyes watched her, wide and large. " I don' work fer Macavity ye'. I will avenge mysel' an' find Mungojerrie."

" Mungojerrie? I think I know him."

Mistacor's mind lurched, her ears perked and the insanity within her grew stronger. Truths became lies, smiles became hisses of sheer anger.

" 'ow do ya know 'im? " she demanded wildly, coming nearer slowly, but the Korat didn't back down.

" I think I've seen him around the lair before."

(( " I think I've seen him around the lair before. He was the most handsome tom we had before he decided to leave Macavity.))

Mista hissed dangerously, softly in her throat.

" I don't remember much about him though..."

(( " I don't remember much about him though... Except the feeling of pleasure when he made love to me. His paws..." ))

" ENOUGH! " Mista commanded and stalked forward, glaring her prey down as she stepped into the moonlight, her eyes glowing with the same pulse. " 'ow DARE ya?! 'e was MINE! We we' destined fer each ot'er! 'e lef' Macavity only a few weeks befo'e I came into 'is li'e an' 'e MATED wit' ya??! " She yowled angrily, her eyes like molten pools.

Kriana began to feel the first grips of fear take her over as she looked at this possessed cat. " Wh - what are you talkin' about? " she said, averting her gaze to avoid a confrontation, backing away.

" Shu' up! " the calico hissed as she advanced.

Kriana stopped as she suddenly hit the wall. Cornered, she crouched and gave a warning growl. " Leave me alone! "

(( " We'll fight for him, then! " ))

Mistacor narrowed her eyes, her tail swishing violently. " Exactly wha' I was thinkin'," she replied in mock sweetness. " We'll ju' SEE who wins."

Kriana looked at the calico female as if she were a monster and then banged on the other side of the door frantically. " Let me out! Speiros, let me out! " she screamed in terror.

Mista raised her head curtly, eyes glazed, maddened, and a stream of crimson flames circled the Korat queen unmercifully. Then, she spoke with her voice yet it wasn't her voice at all: " Say 'ello ta Heaviside fer me."


Speiros had listened to it all as he stood outside of the locked cell. And he was hearing it even now. His expression was cold and unfeeling as he listened. Macavity's henchcats could never show weakness or those sentimental emotions. It showed Kriana wasn't fit for her position... or was it that the evil residing in that cell was far too great?

" SPEIROS, HELP ME!!!!!!!! " came the last bloodcurdling scream.

He closed his eyes where, beneath those lids, he felt pity and regret unseen. " I'm sorry... Kriana...." he whispered softly before walking away.


Macavity laughed in his chamber, laughed a full laugh that was as insane as he had droven that little calico queen. Just as he felt Kriana's last breath, he had felt the arrival of magic, strong magic, and stronger than any other.

It was done but it hadn't been done without a little extra help from me, he smirked. Having his own little magic did come in handy.

" It's only a matter of time," he murmured as he looked up at the moon. "Time...."

Part 8