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The Adventures of Flux and Ark

Chapter 1
The Start

--The Super Friends Headquarters--
--Conference Room--

“It has come to my attention,” Flux began “That there have been some complaints rising through our ranks.” He was talking to the only other Superfriend; Ark

“That’s because you keep eating all the Dorito’s!” Ark said angrily.

“You snooze, you lose.”

“I HAD a bag, but you push me over and stole it... then you peed on my bed.”

“You DESERVED it.”

“I know! But did you have to steal the bag?”


“Oh... okay.”

The meeting was dismissed.

They two friends went into the SUPER POWER COOL room ( it has to be said in all capitals). The SUPER POWER COOL room contained everything you could possibly imagine, except for a trampoline as they opted for pinball machine without the glass covering that could talk to them ... They called him Pinny ...

“Hey Flux, Ark.” Pinny greeted, as he waddled behind the homemade bar. “You boys want anything?”

“I’ll have a whiskey minus the whiskey, heavy on the Coke.” Flux ordered.

“None for me, thanks.” Ark said, sitting down on a couch. “I’m to upset at the moment to drink.”

“Something on your mind?” Pinny asked cleaning out a glass with his front pegs, Flux went to play Fluxball.

“Yeah. I want to think of a way to kill Nanaki but am to retarded to come up with anything.”

“Well, you could always use an Atom Bomb I heard they can cause some lovely damage.” Pinny spun a cup around in the air and placed it on the table then fiddle around with bottles under the bar.

“I WANTED to... but Flux was on one of his ‘holier-than-thou’ trips and said it would kill THOUSANDS of people.”

“Tough luck pal, oh well, life goes on.”

“But after I’m done with Nanaki it won’t for him.”

Pinny and Ark shared a long hardy laugh.


Nanaki was at his house sorting his dead squirrel collection when he heard a knock at his door.

“Odd..” He said to himself, puzzled. “Someones at the door.”

He waltzed over to his door and spied out the spy hole. Ark was outside with a paper mustache and big paper eyebrows taped to his face. He had a delivery man suit on that read “Fex-3D”.

He opened the door. “Ark,” he said. “I’m never going to falling for your stupid Fed-Ex trick, no matter how many times you try it... LOOK! You spelt it wrong this time!”

“Here’s you package.” Ark said in a fake accent, handing a package to Nanaki. It had an Atomic sign on it and the word ‘BOMB’ written under it, the picture was scribbled out an is now read “Na/\/|<1z pA>kagE”

Nanaki sighed and closed the door.

“Well you’re gay!” Ark yelled. He turned around a grined to himself, happy with his retort.


Flux, Ark, and Pinny were eating their dinner quietly.

“So I delivered a bomb to Naxi today.” Ark said casually, taking a bite out of his waffle.

“I sure hope it wasn’t an atom bomb.” Flux said eating some of his spagetti

“No it wasn’t.” Ark sipped on his Hot Chocolate and followed up with a spoonful of vanilla icing. “Pass the Honey Shreddies.”

Flux handed Ark the Shreddies and took a drink of his Chocolate Syrup.

“Did he die.” Flux asked having an emergency angioplast.

“No. He didn’t take it. Hey Pinny, pass me another brewsky.”

Pinny began handing Ark the beer. “Wait you ARE of legal age, right?”

Ark stared at Pinny. “Tomorrow I’m going to try my Fed-Ex plan again. It’s practically fool-proof. Maybe I’ll work on it some more tonight.”

“I have a better idea.” Flux said wiping up his blood. “I know of a highly trained assassin who can do the job for us. Finally we will get rid of Nanaki. I was starting to get sick of his ‘Let’s call a truce’ attitude.”

Chapter 2
Ark and Flux