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Chapter 2
Chapter 2
The Assassassassassin

Ark and Flux pushed their way through the virtually empty streets towards the building marked ‘Tri’s Detective/Assassin/Babysitter Co.’

“So, how’d you hear about this guy?” Ark asked Flux, before running about a foot away to push over a nun. Flux replied when he returned.

“He has an infomercial on cable access television at midnight.”

“Makes sense.”

They entered the building and walked up to Tri’s office. The room was dark and had a cloud of smoke hanging in the air coming from the ‘Ambient Smoke Machine’. A lone figure sat at a desk at the far end of the room. His feet were up on the table.

“We came for an assassin.” Flux said.

“My Assassin and Detective half of the buisness hasn’t been doing well, so they’re free. My babysitting service however is very high. Hehe heh heh.” Tri said to himself, thinking they were in need of a babysitter.

“Well, we just need an Assassin to-”

“SUCK MY ROCKS!” Tri yelled.

“So you can’t get the job done?” Flux asked.

“No, I can. I just... nevermind.” Tri got out of his desk and grabbed his briefcase that had ‘I AM KUL’ written on the side.

“Who needs killing?” Tri asked Ark. Ark had a look of surprise on his face, he coughed sputtered and choked in amazement.

“NO!” Flux yelled. “You must NEVER EVER give Ark that kind of power. I will choose the target. The target is Nanaki.”

“Oh. Hmmm...” Tri said thoughtfully. “Nanaki, eh? This will require 3 times the payment.”

“You mean nothing?” Ark asked.

“Right.” Tri said, crossing his arms.

“I’ll offer you nothing.” Ark attempted to haggle.

“What the hell?” Tri yelled. “I have to make a living SOMEhow.”

“Okay, then nothing.”

“Make it nothing and the deal is sealed.”

“I’ll offer you nothing and that’s my final offer.”

Tri dropped his shoulders. “It’ll do.” He pouted. “There is ONE person I’m going to need to help me. There is no way I can complete this mission without his help.”

Tri led the two out of the building, down the street towards a small tent hidden away in a back alley. A man with a turban and robe came out of the tent and walked past the trio.

“This is some good shit.” He muttered aloud.

They entered the darkened tent, a strong odor hung in the air.

“Tri!” The man in the tent yelled. “My best customer!”

“Kazuki you ol’ dog!” Tri said, grasping the mans hand and shaking it, he then proceeded to wipe his hand.

“Tri?” Flux questioned. “I didn’t know you were into this stuff.”

“There’s alot you don’t know about me Flux-San.”

“How rude of me.” The man said. “My name is Kazuki Joe. Here’s my card.” Kazuki handed Flux his card

“So....” He said. “How can I help you?”

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Ark and Flux