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Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Meanwhile R Us

Flux explained to Kazuki what they wanted done. Tri explained to Kazuki why he needed his help. Ark punched a fat kid for being fat.

“Hmmm. Nanaki, eh?” Kazuki stroked his knee thoughtfully. “I’m going to have to accept half of the payment that Tri is charging up front.”

“You mean nothing?” Ark asked.

“What the hell?!” Kazuki yelled. “Why do you always charge nothing? You should let me run your finances!”

“SUCK MY ROCKS!!!” Tri screamed.

“Fine. I’ll help you, just because your a good ‘customer’”

“Why won’t any-.... nevermind.”

“Tri is a good customer? Why would anyone buy this shit? I know of a place that deals in shit that is twice as good as this.”

“Hey!” Kazuki said, offended. “This is quality shit here!”

Flux grabbed his ears. “AHHHHH!!!! My virgin ears!”

“Anyways,” Tri said. “We better work out a plan now. Kazuki come with me. Bring some of your better shit for us to ‘sample’.” Kazuki grabbed a small bag and followed Tri into a back tent.

Ark sampled the ‘crap’ in the store. Flux accidently ate some. Tri and Kazuki returned an hour later with plans. They showed Flux and Ark the plans and the quartet left to put the plan in moton.
The four crept behind a bush infront of Nanaki’s house. It was high noon. They’re current plan was to wait until it was dark.

Flux grabbed a pair of binoculars and climbed up a tree near Nanaki’s bedroom window. On his way up his pants were ripped up. He sat on a branch and remove his pants. He climbed a little higher.

“Ouch. These underwear are chaffing me I better remove them.” Flux removed his underwear and sat down to make sure the coast was clear.

“Ow that sun is hot. I don’t want my lower body getting burned. Good thing I brought suntan lotion.” He pulled out a little tube. “What? Hand lotion. Oh well, it’ll do, I’m just going to have to apply this extra vigourously.”

Meanwhile the other three were bored to tears. Kazuki was attempting to comfort the sobbing Tri. Ark was seeing how far he could stick his finger into his eye socket. “Sweet. I can just about get my fist in there.” He exclaimed.

“When I get bored like this, I just get my friend Jack Daniels.”

Meanwhile Flux’ hand lotion applying was going slowly. He suddenly noticed Nanaki enter his room. He put the binoculars to his eyes and applied the lotion with one hand. Waiting for the right moment to call the others.

Meanwhile Ark, Tri, and Kazuki were downing their boredom with Jack Daniels.

Jack was entertaining them with wacky clown antics, baloon animals and various magical explosions. All the while Nanaki was mowing his front yard.
Night fell quickly so Kazuki put Daniels back in the backpack after huggin him goodbye.

The pantless-still-lotion-applying- Flux returned.

“GACK!” Ark yelled. “Get some pants on!”

“I don’t have any pants!” Flux defened.

“Tri give him your pants!” Ordered.

“I’m wearing a dress!” Tri yelled back.

“What the-?! I thought that was a cloak!”

“Cloaks don’t have flowers.” Kazuki added.

“You’re welcome to have it.”

Ark glanced over to Kazuki. “You’re wearing a dress to!”

“THIS is a cloak!”

“It’s the same as Tri’s... only more frilly!”

Flux jumped in. “Let’s just forget the whole pants thing. I seriously don’t have a problem not wearing anything. Let’s just get this mission going.”

“Right.” Tri agreed.

Flux grabbed a role of duct-tape and swiftly made a pair of pants.

The four then began setting their plans into motion.

Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Ark and Flux

NOTE: The green thing on the road is supposed to say Nanaki's house.