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Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Enter the other Assassin who doesn’t really like the first Assassin

Nanaki sat in his basement looking out the window at the four people standing outside his house beside a shrub. He was grateful that the shrub contained no foliage whatsoever he knew what they were trying to do, for they had attempted it many times before. They were the cause of his identical twin brother getting his head exploded by the Navy. There was a knock on his Rec-room door. A mysterious man, who will soon be identified, entered.

“You called for an Assassin?” The man asked. Who, for some reason, was completely covered in shadow. He stepped forward.

“Ah yes.” Nanaki said, in a typical guy fashion. “Tip Von Tip, legendary guy. I did call for you, but how did you get in?”

“Well at first I tried to make a dramatic entrance by slowly opening your front door and saying something TOTALLY cool, but your door was locked. I attempted to get through a window but that was locked too. So I ran out to my car and got a pistol apparently your doorknob is immune to pistol shots. I happened to notice the bazooka store across the street so I bought a bazooka and used it to bludgeon your doorknob off. Then your door was opened a crack so I let myself in.”

“There isn’t a bazooka store across the street.” Nanaki said.

“I meant that I stole it from an army surplus store two days ago.”

“So that was you that they were talking about on the radio...”

“Yeah.” Tip smiled. “Now what can I kill for you?”

“Look out this window.” Nanaki led Tip to his basement window and showed him our heroes. “I need you to kill them all. I have a feeling they are going to try and kill me.”

“Roger.” Tip said leaving the room. “Just give me a few minutes to get a trap ready.”

Tri stood up. “There,” He said. “my plan is ready to be set into action.”

“What is your plan?” Flux asked, looking up from his portable BBQ.

“Watch and learn.” With that, Tri ran off towards Nanaki’s basement window. He was carrying to Uzzis and had a machine gun strapped to his back. and a sword. He dove through the basement window and went hog wild on a wall.

The remaining trio waited outside for about 4 seconds when Tri flew back out the window feet first. He stood up and took a deep breath.

(click here to see what Tri did.)

“Nanaki...” He said. “ dead.”

“No he isn’t, he’s right beside you.” Flux said.

Tri looked beside himself and saw Nanaki standing within inches of his face. “dam-flam-mlam!” Tri swore. “NO-one could have survived that ass-whooping that I served up!”

“That would be true.” Nanaki said. “If the wall was alive *nerd laugh*”

Ark slapped his forehead. Flux slapped Ark’s forehead. Kazuki punched Ark in the stomach.

“SUCK MY ROCKS!” Tri yelled at Nanaki.

“With pleasure.” Nanaki said. Tri’s face lifted. “But in the form of another Assassin.”

Out from the non-existent shadows stepped Tip.

Ark, Flux and Tri and Kazuki gasp. Curtain falls, audience applaudes. At this point the words “To Be Continued” should appear at the lower right hand corner of the screen in an artistic manner. Light fades copyright information appears. Chapter ends, good job.

Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Ark and Flux