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Chapter 5
End Game

Birds chirped, dogs barked, worm monsters terrorized small farming communities. The world didn’t care about the epic battle that was about to ensue. Ark began to remove his clothes.

“phtlt!” Flux sputtered. “Why do you always take your clothes before we fight?”

“I want to whip him with my massive hose.”

“Eww!” Tri screamed.

“What?” Ark said, clearly offended. “It gets stuck on my clothes and tears.”

“Ark.” Flux said. “I’ve seen and used your hose, it’s not that large.”

Ark reached into his backpack and pulled out a garden hose. “Looks big to me.”

Tri and Kazuki sighed.

Tri picked up his +9 Enemy Assassin Sword (it has a +9 against Enemy Assassins). Tip did the same. They faced each other and each got into a cool pose (each did one different, it would just be embarassing if they both did the same one).

“You guys can’t fight yet.” Tri ordered to the others. “I want to watch the other fights.” (but secretly he wanted the others to watch him and think he was cool. Maybe this would be the time his offer was accepted.)

Tip launched the first attack. He ran at Tri with sword above his head screaming. Tri blocked with his sword, pushed Tip back, recovered and lunged forward spearing Tip through the stomach. Tip spun around and... wait? Did I just say he was speared? I did! What the hell!? I thought the fight would be longer. Hmmm. Oh well, better continue the story...

“the hell?” Flux said out loud. “I was expecting an epic battle."

“As was I.” Ark said. “as was I.”

“I guess I’m going to have to take the rest of you out.” Nanaki threatened.

Nanaki instantly launched an attack. He started by going back in the story and erasing any part with Kazuki. Kazuki vanished.

“We’re dealing with ungodly powers.” Ark said, trying to sound cool.

“Don’t worry,” Flux reassured. “We’re main characters, out names in the story are erase proof.”

“Looks like I’ll have to defeat you the old fashioned way....” Nanaki said ominously. “Turned Based!!!”

Nanaki stood in his battle pose, waiting... waiting... waiting...

“What are you doing.” Ark asked.

“Waiting for you to attack so I can attack. My attack bar won’t fill up while it’s your turn.”

“Uh...” Tri uhed.

“How about... NOW!” FLux screamed. All three heroes lunged forward and started beating on Nanaki.

“This attack wasn’t in my third edition rule book.” Nanaki mumbled, before blood oozed from his eyes.

Flux, Ark and Tri soon grew tired an sat underneath a tree to rest.

“Guess our mission is complete.” Tri said.

“NoT QuiTE!” A strange voice yelled from the direction of Nanaki’s standing corpse. “PrEPAre for my ULTImaTe FoRM!”

Flames burst out from around Nanaki and Nanaki’s hair turned neon green, as did his eyes and blood. The flames then died down.

“Uh....” Flux started. “I was expecting something cool.”

“I AM CoOL!” Nanaki screamed. He leaped foward and slammed his fist into Tri’s chest causing him to explode.

“Whoa.” Tri said, standing in the midst of Nanaki smoke. “I must be stronger than I thought.”

“I think the green blood had something to do with it.” Ark suggested “I don’t think that’s natural.”

Suddenly the Nanaki smoke swirled and clumped together it grew ten times larger and formed a smoking demon. The demon snuffed out it’s cigarette then played a quick little game of ‘throw Tri at a rock’. Tri was instantly knocked out (or killed, no one ever bothered to check) Flux and Ark were all that remain.

Our heroes ran down the street away from the pursuing beast. What new adventures will this current state of events lead to? What new friends will they meet? Questions that will never be answered.

Authors Note: I left the ending open so that fanfics can be written. Please write some.

Chapter 4
Ark and Flux