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It is long after midnight and silently a tear falls slowly down my cheek and seeps into the feathered pillow damping my face. Silently I weep in the dark. I can not feel the strength of your protective arms holding me or your sweet breath brushing the nape of my neck. Your warmth is not here beside me and I shiver. I feel alone like a cast away on an island, unreachable but yet so close. Soft words are not spoken in my ear. Silence grasps the night like a lion its prey. Pain and loneliness are my only covers. Chills of fear sweep through me now and I ask, "Is this all there is"? Oh to be saved by love and only love! Tears flow easily now and I think that I could drown. I long to scream out but I remain silent in my fear. Time doesn't pass but lingers like a thick heavy fog. There is no way off this island: no boat, no oars, no wings, and most of all no you. I ask again: "Is this all there is"? Then I drift into sleep in the dark, cold, stillness of the night.
Written by: Beverley © Music: Immortality