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My Virtual Photo Album

My Children

Hey they go first it's my site!

"Two Amigos"

My favorite pic: Elton and Ricky

"The Three Musketeers"

Ricky, Wayne, Elton

A word or two to my sons:
Ricky, you have a heart of gold. Your heart is made from your grandmother and myself. You carry inside you a sensitivity and empathy that can not be taught or learned from books. You are a poet and a writer like myself. I wish mom would have lived long enough to hear you play the guitar and sing. She would be so proud of you as I am proud. Never forget how loved you are.

Wayne: My Virgo son, my eldest son, oh the discussions we have had!! I don't think we left a stone unturned. Although we don't always see eye to eye on many things we always share our feelings and thoughts. I have watched you turn into a man who I am so proud of! I must tell you I miss you playing the guitar and us singing together. Yes, you tried to teach me to carry a tune...well..your voice is good enough for both of us. Maybe one day we'll be able to make up an mp3 and add it to my site! In the meantime, I'm sure Megan loves to hear you sing.

Elton: Oh, my dear Elton! You were the son that fought the hardest against the rules. Self-willed and intelligent and always on the battlefield with me. Now you and I are so close. Isn't it nice to be friends? Anyway, I always knew you could never be swayed by others' opinions and nice to see you so strong in your values and beliefs. I feel really proud when I see the good man you turned out to be!

"Aquarius" aka "Monica"

Now here's a heart of gold.

Monica: My daughter who loves animals. That says it all doesn't it? A heart that cares! You are so sensitive to everyone's feelings and needs. I am proud of you for being so strong and knowing yourself so well. Grandmother, Aunty Bea, and Buster will always watch over you.

Oh, oh...a Virgo

Yes she looks nice here..but hey she paid for these pics!!

Once a Princess, always a princess!! You have a heart of gold! "Yes, I am listening, honey."