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My Virtual Photo Album

My Virtual Photo Album


Mike, John, Linda (best friend), Tom, Kathy
In front is:Ronny (a poet, writer, and musician - a great guy)

Linda, and her daughters Dawn and Cindy

Linda looking "cool"

Here's Linda in the dress Monica made

Okay Linda..go get 'em!!

Diane and Eloise

"My good friends"

This is my good buddy Jerry aka "JerrBear" or "Philosopher of the Obvious"
Jerry's quotes:
"It gets hot when the temperature rises"
"A relationship is more than talking on the telephone."
"Your broke when you got no money."

Yes, he also plays the guitar and sings. He is the only one who listens to me sing.
Thank you Jerry
And look he's is wearing the tie I made for Christmas!

My buddy Mike who LOVES to talk politics and "pull his hair out".

Mike carving the turkey at work. "The Chef" He always calls me "sunshine". He loves his wife, two kids, and two cats.