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Cry to Dionysus

Dionysus, awake dear lover and come to me on wings of night
Come nest beside me, a frail mortal heart, who lay on bed of white
Oh lover, come rescue me from Hades and stay until the dawn
Hold your arms around me, quietly, peacefully, and tenderly
Dionysus, my lover, who kisses me softly before taking flight

Just for the moment let me be something special in your godly eyes
But mine let me hide lest you discover what beneath the surface lies
More there is than just a shattered heart in this miserable mortals soul
Heal me with your touch, quietly, peacefully, and tenderly
Dionysus, my lover, come lie with me while full moon does rise

A mortal soul am I, no goddess, only she with truly broken heart
Will you see fit to rescue me and in short time your love impart
Dionysus, deliver to me the golden cup of wine to erase such sorrow
Heal me with your touch, quietly, peacefully, and tenderly
Dionysus, my lover, lay intimately beside me before you part

Nay, no tears will fall for mine have created Alcyonian Lake
Each tear I shed was for my Leo as my heart did soulfully ache
Who could know such love? Not I, nor he, but me in parting
Heal me with your touch, quietly, peacefully, and tenderly
Dionysus, my lover, stay with me till dawn does silently break

On the morrow I know you will take speedy flight to Olympus
Dionysus, my lover, I plead with you: do not see me as callous
Only you, Dionysus, know that my soul inside is hurriedly waning
Heal me with your touch, quietly, peacefully, and tenderly
Dionysus, my lover, I cried out to you so I survive not soulless

This searing pain I can not bear it alone least I die within my misery
Dionysus, let what lies upon this bed of white remain a peculiar mystery
Oh, Dionysus, do not attach your self to me so that I will sprint like the deer
Heal me with your touch, quietly, peacefully, and tenderly
Dionysus, my lover, my healer, whom I have chosen for thou art so sagely

Written by Beverley ©

Music: "Bolero"