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Dance Like the Eagle

Here on the lake my spirit soars
Out of the ashes I arise like the phoenix: reborn
Like the eagle I spread my wings and my spirit moves
Water quenches thirst in the reflection of the warming sun
Drums in the distance, like my heart beating, call you to the dance
Come be the eagle, spread your wings with me
Listen to the chant of the waves
Fall into the wind with me; soar free

Cry out like the eagle let your spirit soar
Let your heart beat with the thunder that cries in the distance
Mist covers the truth of all living things; dance free
You, like I, can hear the rain as it touches the earth
Listen to it with your heart, feel it upon your skin
Come be the eagle, spread your wings with me
Listen to the chant of the waves
Fall into the wind with me; soar free

Like the eagle, rest upon the tallest tree
Watch the hidden things in the forest but do not hide
Listen to the spirit, listen to the heart, it will tell you what to do
The eagle is wise, the heart is pure, the spirit leads
Dance! Dance with the fire spirit. Listen. Just listen
Come be the eagle, spread your wings with me
Listen to the chant of the waves
Fall into the wind with me; soar free

Written by Beverley ©

Music: "Lakota" from greywolfcub