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Everything Remembers

The universe knew us before the moment we met
It knew the plan and played its part well
The stars knew us; one set our course
Without it would we have met?
The waters knew us; from time beyond time
The planets moved into alignment for us
There were those who knew before us
What was to be
And the psychics with mystical ability
How did they know if they could not read the future?
And the astrologists with their readings
How did they know if the stars did not tell them?
I am filled with awe as I ponder on the synchronistic events
What was meant to be was and what is it to be will be
But the universe, the planets, the stars, the trees, the waters
All will remember us through time and beyond.
Memory does not die. Soul does not die.
When everything remembers: There is no goodbye.

Written by Beverley©
Music: "Alesir"