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Eyes of a Poet

In the eyes of a poet, lies a soul so deep
Seldomly touched near the heart
Locked in a castle far from the crowd
No love for herself she allowed
For she knew love's pain and felt it within
From the one she thought had loved her
So safely away from love did she stay
Until that one fateful March day
Concealed in a bulwark safely away
She desired no more lover or knight
This she has vowed will be her sweet death
As a soulmate bewitched her last breath
She was hidden therein from love's constant pain
Till his essence flowed to her heart
Now her fragile heart is shattered at last
And there's no mourning or weeping to cast
Upon the grave of the sweet poet's soul
Let the darkness come and swallow her in
Let the sere browning leaves cover her breath
Let her succumb to her yearning of death
Hold no remorse for death comes to all
And hers a response to love's torment
He didn't know how his actions would scathe
The very soul he delighted and swathed
Happiness no more is found at death's door
The pain never leaves her alone
Her shattered heart lays in concrete concealed
Never again to love's joy it's revealed

Written by Beverley ©
Music: "I AM A ROCK" by Simon and Garfunkle
Picture: by Anna Mariaa "Celestialstar.net"