Favorite Quotes
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Favorite Quotes

1. One can never teach the important things; one can teach maths but not how to love, or how to be charitable and tolerant. -A.S. Neill

2. Communication is having a clear idea about the other person's joy or pain. -Mort Katz

3. When I have listened to my mistakes, I have grown. -Hugh Prather

4. The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook. -William James

5. All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward. -Ellen Glasgow

6. Even God can not change the past. -Agathon

7. What really matters is what happens in us, not to us. -James W. Kennedy

8. It is not how busy you are, but why you are busy. The bee is praised. The mosquito is swatted. -Marie O'Connor

9. Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing. -Robert Benchley

10. The greatest gift we can give each other is our own woundedness. -M. Scott Peck

11. If you don't change directions, you may end up where you're going. -Lao Tse

12. You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try. -Beverly Sills

13. Insanity is truly expecting different results from the same behavior. -Ruth Fishel

14. The near companion of empathy is indifference.-Buddah

15. You must deal with the past to live in the present and plan for the future. -"How to Slay Your Own Dragons"

16. The bravest person is the one who can see all the joys and grievances ahead of them but still set forth. -"How to Slay Your Own Dragons"

17. Everything starts with yourself, with you making up your mind what you're going to do with your life.-Tony Dorsett

18. Peace can not be kept by force. It can only be won, through understanding. Our longing for understanding is Eternal. -unknown