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Feeling The Pain Of it All

My cutting words return to me
Like lightening on prairie fields.
I cannot undo what I have done.
I have lost the touch of you.
And like the prairie after the storm
My field lies trampled.
My sun is hidden behind the dark morning clouds.
Tears won’t come anymore.
Pain will not cease.
Thoughts won’t stop.
I cry out to God, “Why?”
“I don’t understand.”
“Where is forgiveness, God?”
“Why don’t you answer me?”
“Have I not done my best?”

My chest is tight with sorrow
My eyes are dim
My heart knows no tomorrow
There is no smile upon my face
Those that love me I want them not
I want to be alone and die alone
Place me in that desert
Alone in my misery
I have done a wrong to him
So let me suffer
Take away the sun
Take away the joy
Take away my love
Let me be
An abyss of nothing
That can only cry
And feel the pain.

Written by Beverley ©
Music: "Love Hurts" by Nazareth
Picture by Zeldis ' '