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Now is the time to say goodbye
The springtime of our love has passed
Growth came and went in spurts
Of colour and with endless song
Summer came with absence of voice
The sun burned within my soul
Water left me thirsting even more
A wasteland of endless thoughts of you
I watched the tacit eagle silently land
It’s eye seeing further than you or I
Does it have heart as it steals its prey?

Autumn leaves signifying an end
The trees are no longer green
Winds rush past me whispering
Water quickly flows to the sea
Flowers lay their petals on my ground
Clouds give me cover from the sun
The eagle has left to some unknown land
Soaring and soaring without a home
Falling on some mountain near the sky
Like us it flies endlessly in the heavens
Lonely cries heard only in the distance

Winter soon will send its white disguise
And conceal the bygone days of spring
Barren trees covered white and pure
So with love buried deep in frozen ground
Blanketed with the fallen glistening snow
Coldness will bring the warmth of fire
Stare into the flames and see hopeful visions

Written by: Beverley ©
Music: "Memories" from Cats