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I Have a Grandma

I Have a Grandma

I have a Grandma...
Who hugs, kisses, smiles, and says, "My how you have grown".
Whenever she sees me
But not anymore

I have a Grandma...
Who makes me wear socks and sweaters, no matter what the weather
So I don't get cold
But not any more

I have a Grandma...
Who can teach me how to play Rummy and Aces Wild with
huge cards that barely fit into my hands
But not any more

I have a Grandma...
Who tells the most wonderful stories of Hytchyck,
enough to make me laugh so hard I cry
But not any more

I have a Grandma...
Who comes to my house and shows me how to cook eggs,
always with that 'touch' too much salt
But not any more

I have a Grandma...
Who lets me be her little nurse to make her feel
better when she is in pain
But not any more

I have a Grandma...
Who loves me dearly and kisses me sweetly
everytime she sees me
But not any more

I have a Grandma...
But she's not here right now...
She's in heaven, with God, the angels, her mom and dad,
her daughter and everyones else she missed when she was here
But now...she's not with me...and I really miss her

Written by Cheryl Pinder (Dec 2000)