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How Can I Say Goodbye

How Can I Say Good-bye

I am here, an infinitesimal part of the universe. Surrounded by the billions of luminous stars. Would you find me in Omega Centauri? Would you search for me near Aldebaran follower of the Pleiades? Would you be like Vega the swooping eagle, searching for me in the night? Would you find me near Achernar: the end of the river? You my love are like Regulus with the heart of a lion. Would you hunt for me in Orion? Who would know that I exist except for the very stars near me? Yet your soul has travelled though the universe. You have gathered its energy in some unexplained way. You found my soul and wakened it.

I am like the microscopic nucleus in this city. I am such an insignificant creature here. I am buried alive in this concrete jungle. Who can tell one soul from the next?

Look at this city of mine, twenty-six hundred miles away from you. So far: so very far. Your soul has transcended the distance in some seraphic way and uncovered mine. What mysterious prophecy devised this union that has enlivened my soul?

Some celestial intention has juxtaposed us. I have been preordained for you as you for me. How can I say good-bye?

Written by Beverley ©

Music: Unchained Melody