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Welcome to My Favorite Place


Here I sit amongst the solitude of nature’s loveliness. The fragrance of the pine trees, like a new perfume, brings a rejuvenating vigour to my soul. Even the rushing stream brings such peace to my life. In the daytime the hummingbirds fly to and fro from the feeder on the porch, then to each lovely morning glory. The evening brings the song of the crickets and the rustling leaves are their chorus. The wind caresses me and I close my eyes for a moment and feel it’s touch on my face. Nature in all her glory! How I love her! And look at the Arrow Lakes in their splendour! Like a large curved mirror reflecting the beauty around me. Looking in I see the billowing clouds as if they float under the water carrying me to a distant world. The nests of the Osprey magnify the magnificence of life. Dusk comes creeping in while I sit on the shore and envelopes me in its blanket. How I love to lift up mine eyes into the heavens as I stare at the Big Dipper and wonder is Orion there? Oh, look at the stars: God’s love shinning the way for me. I hear the wind whisper gently in my ear, “What else do you need?” I think to myself nothing for I am content.
Written by Beverley ©
Music:Dust in the Wind