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Lake Cowichan

Lake Cowichan, dwelling of magical and mystical powers, is a mirror for self-contemplation and revelation. Beneath the covering of heaven, the changing of green leaves to amber signifies fall has arrived. Patches of yellow and amber are displayed triumphantly within the complementary greens of the forests. Magical things happen in forests. It's a place where most legends begin. Mysterious creatures live in the forest and watch carefully over intruders. Insects complete their intricate tasks with precision. Leaves fall on quiet pathways that were already covered with fallen needles that have long since dried. A few tawny leaves float on the lake to seek another resting place. The demonstrative sun surrounds melancholy clouds with silver linings to remind us that life is to be lived. Clouds tell stories by design. Changes take place in clouds as often as change occurs in our lives. The lake offers her tranquil presence as a reprieve from the prison of daily duties and struggles. There is a peace and freedom here. This is a place of solitude in a fast paced world. The soul finds healing here. She breathes deeply and feels the presence of a new beginning.

New beginnings. Isn't that what life is really all about? Autumn illustrates change. She is going through a time where she recreates herself. Like the phoenix she creates a new life from out of the ashes. Negative energies die off and new positive ones emerge. She remains focused and assists them. Lake Cowichan, like a mother cradling her babe, chants lullabies on the side of the houseboat while gently rocking uncertainties away. Lullabies carry her to distant lands. A small flock of Canada Geese take their comfort here and bob lazily on the waves then submerge only to rise again in the distance. A tree jutting out at the end of one of the islands shows itself as a roaring dragon at first. The dragon embodies yang, a masculine, creative, and active energy. She can feel it here and she absorbs as much as she can. The concept of a mystical or spiritual dimension of life that can only be known through intuition or by a leap of faith is more significant to her than material things. He envisions the dragon as it transforms into a seahorse. His eye can perceive the magic too.

She was fortunate to meet him. It's out of the ordinary for her to meet a person who speaks of issues from the heart rather than the convoluted mind. He has a gift not many people have appreciation for. She is a person who, on most occasions, struggles to get down to the heart of the matter and she admires those that are genuine and speak without reservation. He is as soothing as the lake itself. He provides an atmosphere where one can just be. He doesn't give the impression that he gives any mind to her uncoordinated fashion. The fish are definitely more concerned about colour coordination than he is. She finds relief in the fact that neither has to be concerned about fabricating impressions.

They pull the houseboat aside to a small clearing. She crushes a small piece of spruce between her fingers and releases the fragrance. She wonders how such a small piece can hold so much more fragrance when crushed than the forest itself. She thought the whole forest would perfume the air much more significantly than the small insignificant piece she held in her hand. She contemplates about investigating things more intimately as she breathes the fragrance in deeply. She wants to remember everything. Examining the shoreline she selects small pebbles that have an important effect on her energy. She gathers those with intricate designs and symbolic colours. She places them in her pockets, small but not irrelevant mementos of a cherished time.

Time always moves much too quickly, her mother used to tell her time does not stand still for one moment. She knows that now. She has reached a season in her life where she desires change. It's time to treasure these extraordinary moments and lock them into the heart and mind. With each deep breath she makes sure she doesn't miss a thing. Every tree, every rock, every cloud is symbolic to her. She feels grateful she was able to leave her shell at home. She is like the turtle hiding in a shell where she feels safe. In reality she knows she is strong and invincible except in certain matters. It was his openness and speaking from the heart that allowed her to come here. Now she wanted to fill her lungs with his perfect offering.

Some people don't treasure the important gifts. They pass them by all too often in their life. These were secrets her mother taught her. A true gift is more often a quiet place like Lake Cowichan where you can listen to the buzz of the bee, smell the spruce trees and sweet-smelling air, watch the clouds change, and spend moments together sharing thoughts, while the lake sings her lullaby and rocks you gently until the mist begins to cover the lake in her blanket and dusk arrives quietly.

Written by Beverley ©

Music: "Song of the Wolf" by Grey Wolf Cub