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Loki, you really are a little demon
Marble pieces, burnt quarters
Searing with pain and sorrow
Yet you take them home
And place them neatly on a shelf

You use the sorrows of the grave
Where the innocent have died
To gather sympathy that is not yours to gain
Where is your conscious Loki?
Six stories down a ladder dark

Love begets love and pain begets pain
Have you not learned Loki?
She watches you
Her heart fills with pain
You can not hide deceit Loki

It is but a temporary band aid
Feeling better only for a moment
Until those you hurt turn away
And then where will you go?
When those you love discover you?

Look Loki, it is like the day of Armageddon
You will stand there in the desolation
Weeping alone and no one will come
Not even God,
He will not know you Loki

A man is known by his doings
Whether he does good or evil
How will you be known Loki?
Does it matter to you?
Where is your sorrow?

Your name will live
By a piece of crumbled marble
And two burned quarters
Sitting on a shelf in grief
And I will not think of you again.

Written by: Beverley ©
Music: "El Shadai" by Amy Grant