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My Beliefs

I believe in the saying, "What goes around comes around" or "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". Treat all people with respect and you will be respected. Love all people and you will be loved. Help when you can and when you need help you will be helped. Care for others and they will care for you. A simple rule for life.

Work like you don't need the money. Put your best efforts into the task at hand. What you do says alot and it defines who you are to others. They will learn that you are dependable. Complete each task at hand so you don't leave a burden for others...that's at work...not housework.

Dance like nobody's watching. Don't be so conscious of what others think. Be yourself. We are all somebody very special because God doesn't make junk. Be happy with who you are and others will be too.

Sing like nobodys listening. A favorite of mine because I love to sing and don't have a voice for it but I won't let that stop me. I haven't lost any friends yet. Singing soothes the savage beast.

Love like you've never been hurt. You have to let go of the hurt to really love someone and let them love you back. Trust is required to establish a relationship and requires risk. If you don't take the'll never happen.

Why should I be afraid of looking foolish or too serious? The only way to avoid mistakes is not to do anything at all.

Let me hold the memory of the blend of joy and pain that makes me who I am. Every joy and pain I have felt in my life has molded me into the person I am today. There are times I will reflect on them to find how they molded me.

No one has fair play in a game with secret rules. Be honest about how you feel and what you want. Don't play games with people it can only hurt them and you may be hurt in return. Build all your relationships with openess and honesty. Allow others to know who you are and how you feel.

If we're willing to let go of the people we really love and they truly love us, they will return to us. They may not return in same way as before but they will return. Sometimes people just need to go away to deal with their own issues and it's not you they are leaving but it's themselves they are finding. Allow them to do that so they can grow.