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Scorpio Calls for Leo

Isis, goddess of love how you have entrapped my soul
Your words filled me with warmth and fire
You have enslaved me in joy and sent the sunrise

Arion, my black horse carried me in the heavens to my lover
Intelligent he was to lead the way to Leo
Arion you sent my Leo the speech to capture me

Freya, goddess of love you were called up to find me
You have brought me the music and flowers of spring
But where are you now, oh Freya, as I lay in the depths of despair

Apollo, I call out for your earthly blessings upon my empty soul
Send me your arrows: the rays of sun to warm and nurture me
Play me your lyre that charmed the very stars of heaven

Eros, how playful you are with me when my cup is filled with love
Put aside indifference and lay down your leaden arrows with owl feathers
Send out Leo’s love with your golden arrows laced with feathers of the dove

Cupid, fill my mind with rhymes of lovers words and passions deep
Listen to the sighs and groans of lovers deep as they lay in adoration
Folded arms around the loneliness of two barren hearts

Aphrodite, goddess of love, can you see how I desire my Leo
Oh, I cry in tormented soul for my love thou hast kept from me
How can I conspire with the gods who sent him once now bond with chains

Hermes, goddess of messages, send to Leo my words of sweet, sweet love
I love him from the depths of my soul, my heart cries out for him
Send the message swiftly so he cannot stray far from the path of love

Hera, goddess of marriage, what is meant to be, let it be and linger not
Let the promise be true and kept as it was sent by Hermes to speak aloud
Do not forsake me in my darkest hour. My soul torments me

Thor, god of thunder, listen to my breaking heart like the shattering of glass
Throw Mjollnir, your mighty hammer, to destroy those chains that bind him
Lay Mjollnir on my lap with love and blessings on my wedding day.

Written by Beverley ©
Music: "Words" by the Bee Gees