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Silhouette of the Past

It was your wit-you're jokes that attracted me
In your smile I seemed to sense a source of sensitivity
You lifted my cat into your arms and placed a kiss upon him
Some common interest, some bond
But was I fooled by you?
You carried a daytimer
Did you mark every word, every action, every belief?
Only to hold it against me in some future time?
I entrusted myself to you once-you lost it
Trust- broken- ment nothing to you
I tried to believe you were different
You said I could trust you
You told me you didn't want to hurt me
And when I hurt you said no one could hurt me against my will
And words like arrows- hit the center of your target
Words said, can not be taken back-erased from the mind
Hearts true- can not be changed
Who was I then- and what did you care?
I sensed the distance and tried to notice not
Words like thunder when anger falls
Lightening striking in the purest heart
To be so cruel- to hurl bolts like God's of storm
Tempest comes and then there lays trust
Shattered like a car window after the crash
Why? A question never answered
Truth- when is it spoken?
Only in the corners of the mind for some
Fear keeps truth locked in chains
Worse than truth spoken is rejection, is it not?
And yet, I ask, "Have I rejected you?"
Have I not reached beyond common measure?
And yet, it was not enough-you do not reach back
Why? What's the fear?- what's its source?
Honesty goes arm in arm with truth and trust it binds the two
But it is fear and an unwilling heart that separates
And anger in the end is only hurt.

Written by Beverley ©