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The Price She Paid

Sir Jake claimed to be her knight
And save her from despair
Dragons he has claimed to slay
To save the maiden fair

Sir Jake he travelled perilous lands
And believed within his heart
There was no dragon to stand his sword
Yes! The dragon would depart!

Sir Jake the gallant knight on steed
What he did not know
That maiden fair committed heart and soul
Now there is nothing left to sow

Sir Jake he reached her castle's lands
There was nothing to compare
The castle there on precipice concealed
How could Sir Jake prepare?

Sir Jake the knight was ill-equipped
To save this anguished maid
For shackles there were forged of steel
For love the price she paid

Sir Jake he fell on bended knee
And to his God he prayed
What is it to love and not be loved
Then to the grave be laid

Sir Jake he wept for her fatal fall
He knew no more was she
For this maiden gave her heart and soul
A death by love's decree

She walks the castle's darkest halls
And tears of grief are heard
Sir Jake knows not : One holds the key
The one who gave his word

The one whose pledge was given her
Had cut the cord of love
He holds her heart, her soul, the key
And she blames God above

A cruel joke to beget her such a tragedy
She now conceals the shattered glass
That was once her loving heart
In stone so cold that time can't pass

Sir Jake he cries to God once more
But God hears not. Alas!
The maiden fair is laid to rest
No saviour for this lass

Now many mourn to see her so
But none could reach her heart
For it is only he who holds the key
And from her he did depart

Sir Jake he often thinks of her
And still to God he cries
What is to love and not be loved
As he forever hears her sighs

Sir Jake he oft times in his mind
Thinks of where she's laid to rest
And a rose as red as blood he lays
It was her last request

The key is to the shackles cold
That locks her in love's pain
She trusted him with heart and soul
But him she doesn't blame

The rose as red as blood it shows
Her heart it bleeds for him
And as her last reqeust to Jake
To signify love's whim

The castle and the shackles cold
Show that her heart is now dead
She's burried deep no more attempts
For this was what she dreads

"Let me not know love - that pains me so
Leave me whither as the rose
It's he that holds the key to my once loving heart
Now I'm dead inside - heaven only knows"

Angels weep round her bedside every night
While her tears do soflty fall
Children hear the whimpering sounds
Within the castle's darkened halls

What is it to love and not be loved
To play such a cruel joke
That stabs the heart and shatters glass
And binds such a heavy yoke

Written by Beverley ©
Music: "Seven Spanish Angels"
Picture: by Christiaan Iken